Yes Martin Rolinski is today releasing 30 seconds of his first solosingel "Blame It On A Decent Matter".
Listen and enjoy
Blame It On A Decent Matter
Come and join me at MR Fans, my new blog about Martin.
MR Fans
MRFans- the new blog !
Welcome to follow me on new adventures at MRFans !
Yes that is my new blog where I will follow Martin Rolinski and his new soloproject.
I hope you will join me on the ride.
The blog is here:
Check also out The Rolinski Club
And like The Rolinski Club on facebook
See you around !/Nettan
Yes that is my new blog where I will follow Martin Rolinski and his new soloproject.
I hope you will join me on the ride.
The blog is here:
Check also out The Rolinski Club
And like The Rolinski Club on facebook
See you around !/Nettan
We are on the go again.....
Soon very soon a lot will start to happen. So keep your eyes open...and let the fun start !
CutAndTell with Martin Rolinski !
This is the translation to English of the CutandTell video, when Martin goes for a styling by Jean-Pierre Barda and a photo shot by Bingo Rimér.
The link to the video:
ENJOY ! (B=Bingo,M=Martin,J-P=Jean-Pierre)
In this program have I, Jean- Pierre Barda and my lovely sidekick Bingo Rimér opened up the doors to our studio, where we give Swedish celebrities a new look.
But also a chit chat moment they will never forget. In tonight's program comes Martin Rolinski from BWO. Now he is actual with his first solo album and also newly become smallkids parent.
Which starts off with a easy chat, Bingo Rimér soon get off track with, as usual.
M:-It's so damn fun that Bingo comes here and give a good inspiration.
J-P:- Isn't it ?
M:- I notice that we sit here having a deep conversation about being honest to yourself and all of a sudden Bingo comes in and talks about neighboursex and that I should look like Gustaf Vasa.
Bingo:- Go ahead.
M:-Thank you.
Bingo:- Now we are only going to make a pre-photo. And for us it's good if this pre-photo is really ugly.
Bingo:- Martin is incredibly handsome,incredibly bright, incredibly nice and incredibly talented. He is an ubermensch.
J-P:- Please tell me if I should jump in somewhere ?
M: -What did you say ? Masturbate ?
M:- I'm not vain directly. It is more like that you wear the scenery clothes and your private clothes. I have not really taken the step that the scenery clothes should be worn like private clothes. But I think it's important what you wear reflects you as person. And that you are pleased and feel relaxed with it.
Bingo:- Damn, it's impossible. You look so handsome Martin.
J-P:So Martin go ahead.
M:- Thank you.
J-P:- Come in and welcome in our little....
M:- How nice you have made it here. can call it a Bodoire ?
M:- Yes a Bodoire. I hope you always have the photo there. Also in your home.
J-P:- I have that one and some others at my on my bedside table.
M:- Is it shine, Martin shine ?
J-P:- Oh God yes.
M: Maybe I should be a bit worried as J-P and I know each other. Maybe he wants to fool me and have me to look like a maniac. But I trust him and believe it will be really good. If J-P not wants to fool me I know it will be good.
M:- How often do you think a guy should cut the hair ?
J-P:- It's so different, as shorter hair as more often to have a fresh formation of the hair. As longer hair as longer can you wait. And you are somewhere in between. It's not odd that you get into phases that you goes from this formation to the real long. Cause this is a formation that you can just let grow and still look OK.
J-P:- I was involved in the start project of BWO. It begun with a project that Alexander and I started. And it ended with that I didn't participate. But another dude was intended. And then Martin came up. It was more interesting. And the most interesting was the big age difference then.
It gave dynamic all of a sudden between those grown up Marina and Alexander and the young guy.
And then all of a sudden how dusky but interesting.
J-P:- You have a lot to do nowadays ?
M:- Yes, first of all there is a wonderful little creature by the name Isabella that I take care of. That we maybe can hear a beep from here now and then.
J-P:- Then we know what it is.
M:- Yes, precisely. And then I am in full swing of finishing my solo plate.
J-P:- That is incredible exiciting.
M:- Yes, it's fun.
J-P:- You have always always been. Well you are famous from a group from earlier.
M:- Exactly, one thing in common.
J-P:- It was really close that we become band friends.
M:- Yes, we were almost that in the beginning.
J-P:- For a very short time and starting with something almost like this. Cause we were in my home cutting you first time.
M:- Yes, way long back. You have always taken care of me and BWO's appearance since the beginning.
J-P:- How exciting with a new soloalbum.
M:- Yes, exactly. It's really fun. I have been spending one year to find the right people to work with. And I have landed there now. So I have almost made all material and is in full swing. It is hell among the most fun I've done.
J-P:- Isn't it scarey also, cause I have only been in groups also, then I have done a few things on my own. And there I have always felt that I have missed this with the gang. When you do something together.
M:- Shared happiness is double happiness or what you say. It is really, that is a part of delightment, but scarey also. The funny was when we started BWO we said we make one or maximum two records together. And then 6 records later, well we got on for so long and part of that was that we felt we like each other, but we wanted to do something else, cause music is something that you always need to feel a craving for. To be able create something now and something exciting, with other words develop yourself.
J-P:- What do you want to express ?
M:- Love and...... no I'm only joking. Peace on earth.
M:- What I did learn when you are creating music is that you it's not just about the song you sing, it's about the whole concept. It's what I still think about when I make a solo album, a solo career. That it's must be carried through the whole way. Both music but also the visual. What do you have in the video, what do you wear, what are you trying to mediate. And that is the song, the production in the song and what you wear. And there were we very consistent in BWO. You need to take your responsibility for that when you create music.
J-P:- Is it nice to be on paternity leave ?
M:- Yes, it's really nice.
J-P:- Isabella is your first.
M:-Isabella is my first child.
J-P:- I have no kids but it's not hard to feel must be really spaced, that it's someone that is like a mini, half of, like a mini you.
M:-It's hard to explain what it is about. Life get a whole new perspective and it's...spaced is a good is actually a good word.
J-P:-What's nice with Martin is that he is a young guy but has something mature. He has something that is so mature over him. He has a foreign descent with Polish parents. And I believe that is the precocious element of another upbringing from home. I recognize that in myself also. Not no longer. Now's the opposite. I'm childish. But I was myself precocious when I was younger.
M:- So in general as an artist all is built up on that you have to be egocentric. It's nice to not be that for a change and talk about someone else. You have an outlet for that when you work like this and I got that when I worked and was sitting in different meetings discussing about other things. It happened was some fun sometimes..hell what you look like he that guy!
J-P:- That happened for me one time in a cab. It's a long time a go, but I rode with a cab and I had my assistant with me. And I was pretty used by this time. And the driver looks at me in the driving mirror and I remember we looked at each other, soon it will come. And then at last, hey you, you look like him in this band. And my assistent said Army of Lovers ? Yes. But do you know said the driver, I have a friend that is more look alike then you. Wonderful !
B:- Excuse me.
J-P:- I was only thinking the thought.
B:- It's like the neighbour in Seinfeld. Just coming in.
M:- Exactly.
B:- It's damn un-Swedish. In Sweden you don't knock at the neighbours directly. Do you live in an apartment ?
M:- I live in an apartment. We have a courtyard. That helps. Cause you get a bit of villa-esteem.
B:- Now you don't like, in front of millions of people to talk dirt about your neighbours or so. But do you have a great relationship to your neighbours ?
M:- Unusually good actually. We have quite float. No sects or Scientologists or weird stuff.
B:- Yeah and I have moved in to Katrin's apartment at Östermalm. And there it is...
M:- Where did you live before ?
B:- I lived at south. But our neighbours. My new neighbours, they are, some of them are totally insane. For the first they are so pissed, cause there are no space for strollers. Then you put it outside the door. So every morning..this is so sick, so is there someone who comes up, pushes the stroller into the door. So when I get out through the door I have to push. Isn't that really sick ?
M:- The worst we have had was when we lived in the last apartment, when we had some neighbours that had loudly sex. We didn't solve that.
J-P:- Wasn't it inspiring ?
M:-It was ehh
B:- Is it so inspiring Jean-Pierre ?
J-P:- I have never had neighbours that has been like that.
M:- It's not inspiring. It sounds like barking dogs Jean-Pierre.
J-P:- Oh no how terrible.
M:- It wasn't us, but someone gave them a anonymous letter, like you do when you have trouble. Can you please have some quieter sex.
B:- Shouldn't you look good in Prince Valiant hairdo ?
J-P:- But that is a page like this.
B:- But the you need a small fringe ? High up.
J-P:- Like a roll ? You can get that feeling without making that fringe.
M:- It's a bit of Renaissance.
B:- Yes a bit but I want...
J-P:- He wants to have uprolled short Gustav Vasa fringe.
B:- Yes, that's right
J-P:- Like a little roll. Yes, but that would be nice.
M:- It's do damn fun that Bingo came and inspire you. I notice that we sit here having a deep conversation that you should be honest to yourself, then all of a sudden Bingo comes and we talk neighboursex and I should look like Gustav Vasa.
M:- It has happened that I have woken up in the morning and just ran down to buy some sandwiches and I haven't looked so fresh out and then you have seen that on the whole internet. That is one problem when you are a public person.
B:- But have you makeup yourself like a woman ?
J-P:- That was an interesting question.
B:- I have done that. I did that once. Tito helped me with the hair. There was wax. We did a proper...
B:- And there was my extraordinary sweet ex assistent and friend Philip Cederholm. He is Leonardo Di Capriccio handsome. And what I learnt then after fixing myself for 3-4 hours was, when we came..we went on a party together to give out some price on a gay gala. And I should walk in there like a lady and I thought it was very funny. Philip got all attention and then penny then dropped down and I realized why women internally are so pissed off.
M:-You felt bitter ?
B:- Yes, I became bitter. I had fixed myself for 3 hours and he just took over the whole show.
J-P:- He took the whole show ?
B:- And I walked there content and my tit broke. I was really damn pissed off.
M:- A damned monkey you thought ?
B.- Yes exactly what I thought.
J-P:- An interesting theory. It can really turn around, cause men put up more time for their looks today. The harder you try yourself, the greater is the price tag of the failure.
B:- Yes it is. It was then I understood and saw in front of me when we were standing in front of the mirror, then you start off with the elbow, try to steal the make up, try to make him fall and destroy. When I became drunk I started to talk dirt about Philip. Why he got so much attention. I became like that.
J-P:-Martin Rolinski has a true dream hair, curly and a handsome darkblonde tone. Hair style choice felt right given. Fairytale prince, the young hero, a courtly knight, yes a page simply.
B:- You look outrageously good. What nice...
M:- Thank you. I have gotten expertise help.
J-P:- You were on you way to say blouse admit.
B:- Nono
M:- You are still in the midst of this trans-theme ?
B:- I have to let go of that now.
M:-You will not have me looking like a woman today. Maybe some other time.
B:- Some other time.
B:- Now you're standing nice posing in the foreground. And J-P will sneak in on you from the backside.
B:-Good. Now he will sneak in on you. Don't be nervous.
M:- From behind. Here comes the dirty old man from behind.
M:- Jeanpa, Bingo and I was like 3 giggly girls, then all becomes great...I think. I have worked with Jeanpa before but first time with Bingo. So that was very fun. I think it was really fun. Have on my new Facebookprofile. Perfect.
J-P:- Now I come.
M:- Now I come.
B:- It's always a bit worrying with Jean-Pierre. Now I come.
B:- I'm only worried that I am starting to transform to a stylist sissy. If feel like you get withdrawn into everything. This giggly, underbelt humour. And it's so funny, but I have to break a bit. I am a hard cookie. A bad boy. A guy guy. I can't sort of. I'm starting to trip here in the studio.
B:- Jean-Pierre, now you are going to sit behind. You are a little cute flowering tree. So you're gonna sit like this behind.
J-P:- No
B:- Like this he is inside the flower.
B:- Good, play with the tree Jean-Pierre. They are alive. No don't look forward.
J-P:- I wasn't even decor, I was decor holder. Twig number 3. I'm holding them. That felt actually good. Sometimes it's good to not be in the centre.
B:- Fight Jean-Pierre. That's right. Smile a bit seductively. Ohh it's magic. Now you can rest Jean-Pierre.
B:- They fell down a bit in the end.
J-P:-That don't look so bad. Damn that is good.
B:- Yes it is. Handome. Perfect.
M:-What I will remember from this day is of course that Jean-Pierre was some kind of elk-flower behind me. You can't get away from that. Neighboursex will I also bring with me. Bingo's weird obsession to see me dressed like a woman. That's a lot. And of course I will bring with me a great styling.
The link to the video:
ENJOY ! (B=Bingo,M=Martin,J-P=Jean-Pierre)
In this program have I, Jean- Pierre Barda and my lovely sidekick Bingo Rimér opened up the doors to our studio, where we give Swedish celebrities a new look.
But also a chit chat moment they will never forget. In tonight's program comes Martin Rolinski from BWO. Now he is actual with his first solo album and also newly become smallkids parent.
Which starts off with a easy chat, Bingo Rimér soon get off track with, as usual.
M:-It's so damn fun that Bingo comes here and give a good inspiration.
J-P:- Isn't it ?
M:- I notice that we sit here having a deep conversation about being honest to yourself and all of a sudden Bingo comes in and talks about neighboursex and that I should look like Gustaf Vasa.
Bingo:- Go ahead.
M:-Thank you.
Bingo:- Now we are only going to make a pre-photo. And for us it's good if this pre-photo is really ugly.
Bingo:- Martin is incredibly handsome,incredibly bright, incredibly nice and incredibly talented. He is an ubermensch.
J-P:- Please tell me if I should jump in somewhere ?
M: -What did you say ? Masturbate ?
M:- I'm not vain directly. It is more like that you wear the scenery clothes and your private clothes. I have not really taken the step that the scenery clothes should be worn like private clothes. But I think it's important what you wear reflects you as person. And that you are pleased and feel relaxed with it.
Bingo:- Damn, it's impossible. You look so handsome Martin.
J-P:So Martin go ahead.
M:- Thank you.
J-P:- Come in and welcome in our little....
M:- How nice you have made it here. can call it a Bodoire ?
M:- Yes a Bodoire. I hope you always have the photo there. Also in your home.
J-P:- I have that one and some others at my on my bedside table.
M:- Is it shine, Martin shine ?
J-P:- Oh God yes.
M: Maybe I should be a bit worried as J-P and I know each other. Maybe he wants to fool me and have me to look like a maniac. But I trust him and believe it will be really good. If J-P not wants to fool me I know it will be good.
M:- How often do you think a guy should cut the hair ?
J-P:- It's so different, as shorter hair as more often to have a fresh formation of the hair. As longer hair as longer can you wait. And you are somewhere in between. It's not odd that you get into phases that you goes from this formation to the real long. Cause this is a formation that you can just let grow and still look OK.
J-P:- I was involved in the start project of BWO. It begun with a project that Alexander and I started. And it ended with that I didn't participate. But another dude was intended. And then Martin came up. It was more interesting. And the most interesting was the big age difference then.
It gave dynamic all of a sudden between those grown up Marina and Alexander and the young guy.
And then all of a sudden how dusky but interesting.
J-P:- You have a lot to do nowadays ?
M:- Yes, first of all there is a wonderful little creature by the name Isabella that I take care of. That we maybe can hear a beep from here now and then.
J-P:- Then we know what it is.
M:- Yes, precisely. And then I am in full swing of finishing my solo plate.
J-P:- That is incredible exiciting.
M:- Yes, it's fun.
J-P:- You have always always been. Well you are famous from a group from earlier.
M:- Exactly, one thing in common.
J-P:- It was really close that we become band friends.
M:- Yes, we were almost that in the beginning.
J-P:- For a very short time and starting with something almost like this. Cause we were in my home cutting you first time.
M:- Yes, way long back. You have always taken care of me and BWO's appearance since the beginning.
J-P:- How exciting with a new soloalbum.
M:- Yes, exactly. It's really fun. I have been spending one year to find the right people to work with. And I have landed there now. So I have almost made all material and is in full swing. It is hell among the most fun I've done.
J-P:- Isn't it scarey also, cause I have only been in groups also, then I have done a few things on my own. And there I have always felt that I have missed this with the gang. When you do something together.
M:- Shared happiness is double happiness or what you say. It is really, that is a part of delightment, but scarey also. The funny was when we started BWO we said we make one or maximum two records together. And then 6 records later, well we got on for so long and part of that was that we felt we like each other, but we wanted to do something else, cause music is something that you always need to feel a craving for. To be able create something now and something exciting, with other words develop yourself.
J-P:- What do you want to express ?
M:- Love and...... no I'm only joking. Peace on earth.
M:- What I did learn when you are creating music is that you it's not just about the song you sing, it's about the whole concept. It's what I still think about when I make a solo album, a solo career. That it's must be carried through the whole way. Both music but also the visual. What do you have in the video, what do you wear, what are you trying to mediate. And that is the song, the production in the song and what you wear. And there were we very consistent in BWO. You need to take your responsibility for that when you create music.
J-P:- Is it nice to be on paternity leave ?
M:- Yes, it's really nice.
J-P:- Isabella is your first.
M:-Isabella is my first child.
J-P:- I have no kids but it's not hard to feel must be really spaced, that it's someone that is like a mini, half of, like a mini you.
M:-It's hard to explain what it is about. Life get a whole new perspective and it's...spaced is a good is actually a good word.
J-P:-What's nice with Martin is that he is a young guy but has something mature. He has something that is so mature over him. He has a foreign descent with Polish parents. And I believe that is the precocious element of another upbringing from home. I recognize that in myself also. Not no longer. Now's the opposite. I'm childish. But I was myself precocious when I was younger.
M:- So in general as an artist all is built up on that you have to be egocentric. It's nice to not be that for a change and talk about someone else. You have an outlet for that when you work like this and I got that when I worked and was sitting in different meetings discussing about other things. It happened was some fun sometimes..hell what you look like he that guy!
J-P:- That happened for me one time in a cab. It's a long time a go, but I rode with a cab and I had my assistant with me. And I was pretty used by this time. And the driver looks at me in the driving mirror and I remember we looked at each other, soon it will come. And then at last, hey you, you look like him in this band. And my assistent said Army of Lovers ? Yes. But do you know said the driver, I have a friend that is more look alike then you. Wonderful !
B:- Excuse me.
J-P:- I was only thinking the thought.
B:- It's like the neighbour in Seinfeld. Just coming in.
M:- Exactly.
B:- It's damn un-Swedish. In Sweden you don't knock at the neighbours directly. Do you live in an apartment ?
M:- I live in an apartment. We have a courtyard. That helps. Cause you get a bit of villa-esteem.
B:- Now you don't like, in front of millions of people to talk dirt about your neighbours or so. But do you have a great relationship to your neighbours ?
M:- Unusually good actually. We have quite float. No sects or Scientologists or weird stuff.
B:- Yeah and I have moved in to Katrin's apartment at Östermalm. And there it is...
M:- Where did you live before ?
B:- I lived at south. But our neighbours. My new neighbours, they are, some of them are totally insane. For the first they are so pissed, cause there are no space for strollers. Then you put it outside the door. So every morning..this is so sick, so is there someone who comes up, pushes the stroller into the door. So when I get out through the door I have to push. Isn't that really sick ?
M:- The worst we have had was when we lived in the last apartment, when we had some neighbours that had loudly sex. We didn't solve that.
J-P:- Wasn't it inspiring ?
M:-It was ehh
B:- Is it so inspiring Jean-Pierre ?
J-P:- I have never had neighbours that has been like that.
M:- It's not inspiring. It sounds like barking dogs Jean-Pierre.
J-P:- Oh no how terrible.
M:- It wasn't us, but someone gave them a anonymous letter, like you do when you have trouble. Can you please have some quieter sex.
B:- Shouldn't you look good in Prince Valiant hairdo ?
J-P:- But that is a page like this.
B:- But the you need a small fringe ? High up.
J-P:- Like a roll ? You can get that feeling without making that fringe.
M:- It's a bit of Renaissance.
B:- Yes a bit but I want...
J-P:- He wants to have uprolled short Gustav Vasa fringe.
B:- Yes, that's right
J-P:- Like a little roll. Yes, but that would be nice.
M:- It's do damn fun that Bingo came and inspire you. I notice that we sit here having a deep conversation that you should be honest to yourself, then all of a sudden Bingo comes and we talk neighboursex and I should look like Gustav Vasa.
M:- It has happened that I have woken up in the morning and just ran down to buy some sandwiches and I haven't looked so fresh out and then you have seen that on the whole internet. That is one problem when you are a public person.
B:- But have you makeup yourself like a woman ?
J-P:- That was an interesting question.
B:- I have done that. I did that once. Tito helped me with the hair. There was wax. We did a proper...
B:- And there was my extraordinary sweet ex assistent and friend Philip Cederholm. He is Leonardo Di Capriccio handsome. And what I learnt then after fixing myself for 3-4 hours was, when we came..we went on a party together to give out some price on a gay gala. And I should walk in there like a lady and I thought it was very funny. Philip got all attention and then penny then dropped down and I realized why women internally are so pissed off.
M:-You felt bitter ?
B:- Yes, I became bitter. I had fixed myself for 3 hours and he just took over the whole show.
J-P:- He took the whole show ?
B:- And I walked there content and my tit broke. I was really damn pissed off.
M:- A damned monkey you thought ?
B.- Yes exactly what I thought.
J-P:- An interesting theory. It can really turn around, cause men put up more time for their looks today. The harder you try yourself, the greater is the price tag of the failure.
B:- Yes it is. It was then I understood and saw in front of me when we were standing in front of the mirror, then you start off with the elbow, try to steal the make up, try to make him fall and destroy. When I became drunk I started to talk dirt about Philip. Why he got so much attention. I became like that.
J-P:-Martin Rolinski has a true dream hair, curly and a handsome darkblonde tone. Hair style choice felt right given. Fairytale prince, the young hero, a courtly knight, yes a page simply.
B:- You look outrageously good. What nice...
M:- Thank you. I have gotten expertise help.
J-P:- You were on you way to say blouse admit.
B:- Nono
M:- You are still in the midst of this trans-theme ?
B:- I have to let go of that now.
M:-You will not have me looking like a woman today. Maybe some other time.
B:- Some other time.
B:- Now you're standing nice posing in the foreground. And J-P will sneak in on you from the backside.
B:-Good. Now he will sneak in on you. Don't be nervous.
M:- From behind. Here comes the dirty old man from behind.
M:- Jeanpa, Bingo and I was like 3 giggly girls, then all becomes great...I think. I have worked with Jeanpa before but first time with Bingo. So that was very fun. I think it was really fun. Have on my new Facebookprofile. Perfect.
J-P:- Now I come.
M:- Now I come.
B:- It's always a bit worrying with Jean-Pierre. Now I come.
B:- I'm only worried that I am starting to transform to a stylist sissy. If feel like you get withdrawn into everything. This giggly, underbelt humour. And it's so funny, but I have to break a bit. I am a hard cookie. A bad boy. A guy guy. I can't sort of. I'm starting to trip here in the studio.
B:- Jean-Pierre, now you are going to sit behind. You are a little cute flowering tree. So you're gonna sit like this behind.
J-P:- No
B:- Like this he is inside the flower.
B:- Good, play with the tree Jean-Pierre. They are alive. No don't look forward.
J-P:- I wasn't even decor, I was decor holder. Twig number 3. I'm holding them. That felt actually good. Sometimes it's good to not be in the centre.
B:- Fight Jean-Pierre. That's right. Smile a bit seductively. Ohh it's magic. Now you can rest Jean-Pierre.
B:- They fell down a bit in the end.
J-P:-That don't look so bad. Damn that is good.
B:- Yes it is. Handome. Perfect.
M:-What I will remember from this day is of course that Jean-Pierre was some kind of elk-flower behind me. You can't get away from that. Neighboursex will I also bring with me. Bingo's weird obsession to see me dressed like a woman. That's a lot. And of course I will bring with me a great styling.
A sample from Page new music
If you go to the link
you can hear a short sample of new music by Page.
The song is called "Hon tog mig med storm"(jag trodde inte det var sant).
In English " She took me by storm"( I didn't believe it was true).
Just press the play button in the mediaplayer !
Like Page call it, it's a "BEFOREPRODUCTION-TOTALCRASCHBOOM-DEMO" recorded at home,with low song and strange levels. But a taste of how Page will sound in the future. ENJOY !
you can hear a short sample of new music by Page.
The song is called "Hon tog mig med storm"(jag trodde inte det var sant).
In English " She took me by storm"( I didn't believe it was true).
Just press the play button in the mediaplayer !
Like Page call it, it's a "BEFOREPRODUCTION-TOTALCRASCHBOOM-DEMO" recorded at home,with low song and strange levels. But a taste of how Page will sound in the future. ENJOY !
Marina on stage at electriXmas !

Page will be on stage at electriXmas in Malmö the 18th of December.
Think to go see them right before Christmas together with some other electric bands?
What a Christmas gift !
Here is the link for some more info
Alexander and Andreas on stage !

Yes, finally ! Gravitonas will be on stage the 28th of October on a party in Stockholm.
A new videorelease will happen at same time.
I'm so excited over this. We have seen Gravitonas grow piece by piece and I must say it's an unusual way to present a new band, but also so interesting.
Many have been waiting to get the chance to see them. I'm sure this will be a very happy and lovely evening. Maybe, maybe I will be there.......... .
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