Only 9 artists are so far ready for the Melodifestival 2009, but the concurrence of the desirable ticket to Moscow is already as hard as stone. Among the ready artists there is both will and potential, and most convinced of the win is the popgroup BWO, as this year compete for the 4th time in the contest.
It's a serlf-confident BWO that
Gyllenenskor meet during the pressconference for the first 8 artists that are ready for Melodifestivalen 2009. The band, that serveral times has critized the Swedish people's votehabits and choice of contribution to Eurovision Song Contest are back again in Sweden's biggest music competition, and this time they are more peckish for a victory then ever.
The first time BWO entered in Melodifestivalen was 2005, then with the song "Gone", that unfortunately didn't go to the final. During the following year the band did great success with hits like "Open Door" and "Sunshine In The Rain", and when the came back to Melodifestivalen they year after were they full of inspiration and a much bigger crew of fans, which gave good results. The contribution "Temple Of Love" cam at second place after Carola, which was followed by a third place this year with "Lay Your Love On Me". And now are Alexander Bard, Martin Rolinski and Marina Schiptjenko again ready for Melodifestivalen.
How come that you enter for a 4th time?- Good song and we want to Moscow. When Dima Bilan won I phoned (Marina) to Alexander and said "Alexander, I want to win now and go to Moscow". BWO started in Moscow, and we feel that people has come both after "Temple Of Love" and "Lay Your Love On Me" and said that we should have won because we would have much better chances in the final, and okey, then we give the Swedish people another chance. What Dima Bilan did last year, we can do better have we felt, we can write a better song and make a better show then he did, and that is yet the form that works in Eurovision.
- Because this is a ballad, so is this one so very different to the one we entered with this year and then we felt there also is dynamic in between, we don't come back with the same again.
And how does a BWO-ballad sound?- It's a song that begin very little, then become very big and ends very little again.
- It's a dramatic electronic gospelballad, so its reminds a lot of the songs that have won Eurovision the latest years. We in Sweden can also write these types of songs and we should do that also. To compete with a ballad is wellplanned move from BWO's side. They go for victory, and despite this is a calmer song this a weapon that is needed to not only win Melodifestivalen, but also Eurovision Song Contest.
- Sweden has not dared to send a ballad, but I think that we now get that why shouldn't we be able send a ballad when so many other countries do that, and actually fight about the victory in that case, that is the though.
- We have had big hits with ballads before "Open Door", "We Could Be Heroes" among others, so our fans knows that we can make ballads, they look probably forward to that we do a ballad for first time in Melodifestivalen. They like that, when BWO make ballads. This will be a new exciting element, on other case we wouldn't do that right after "Lay Your Love On Me".
As known Sweden the last years has failed to take the good places in Eurovision Song Contest that we are used to, and Alexander Bard hasn't been late to comment the Swedish people's voicehabits. He means that we in Sweden vote on wrong songs, and that we never are going to win if we don't get what is right in Europe.
Gyllenenskor took time to ask him how the "right" song really is.
- That is what we write and do with BWO and that we also have done 2 times before. We had probably been top five in Eurovision with both "Temple Of Love" and "Lay Your Love On Me" but people discover that afterwards, people that vote here in Sweden doesn't really have a check on how it works abroad, but they understand that more and more. Exciting is to see what this international jury will say, and that is 10 indivduals, it is not for sure that they think like they do in Europe anyways, but that is an interesting new element in the competition, that I think gives an odd to the whole competition.
What can you say about the resistance that was presented today?- No idea, we have heard a lot of the songs but have no idea what they will do with them. We shouldn't want to chance songs with them, that can I say, definately. "You're Not Alone" you don't exchange even if you get the chance, that is such kind of song.
To spring a new album is released with "You're Not Alone" as fiest single. Remaining is if BWO is the ones that show up on the big stage in Moscow in May next year.