Malmö is finished !
I knew that Malena Ernman would go to Final but Agnes is a surprise for me. She has had way better songs then this one. But I guess the Swedish people fell for the person not the song !
So BWO will also meet Star pilots and Sarah Dawn Finer in Second Chance.
But first they need to beat Lili & Susie in the duel...I hope hope hope.
BWO Fanclub Worldwide will be there just as last week in Leksand !
I have listened to 60 seconds...
Agnes-Love Love Love
A typical disco pop song..a bit boring to tell the truth. Like everyone else. Second chance maybe.
Star pilots-Higher
Lovely 80ies pop, which will be played all summer long on radio. But for Eurovision..eh NO !
Susanne Alfvengren- Du är älskad där du går
Slowly beautiful song with wonderful lyrics. TO FINAL !
Anna Sahlene & Maria Haukaas Storeng-Killing Me Tenderly
I am bored, can I sleep now ?! One of those that not is a song with lots of speed in but not a beautiful ballad. ..disappears out in the air...POFF !
Thorleifs- Sweet Kissin' In The Moonlight
Svinging typical older Eurosong. Could be fun to see what this leads to..so I say Second chance.
Sarah Dawn Finer- Moving On
Sarah you can sing so good...why bore me ?
You are happy you swing...but we have heard you a thousand times before.
Malena Ernman- La Voix
I love pop and opera...TO FINAL !
That's all for me for today...tomorrow I will see if I can get some lovely photo uploaded to share from Summer 2008.
And of course Amy Diamond..
Alexander is one of the writers behind Amy's contribution. So he has 2 to Second chance. Our Alexander will be busy bee !
Second Chance -Norrköping
I promised you some photos from Norrköping my hometown. Everywhere you can see that the week is coming closer..only 9 days !!
I have also been up to some secrets today...all for the fans and a little surprise for BWO !
So some photos...and tomorrow the 60 seconds for the 4th partcompetition in Malmö is up..here is the link.
I will make some comments tomorrow.
11 days today and counting....

Leksand yesterday..time to reload...
Take The Chance: BWO "You're Not Alone"
We don't know, how long is it online... but take the chance to watch the complete performance of "You're Not Alone"...
Update 4:00pm CET:
SVT has delete the video from YouTube... we know it and maked some screenshots of the performance... you can see it on the BWO FanClub Website...
Congrats BWO to Second Chance !!

We have done a surpise for you tonight....
And vote vote and vote for BWO !!! See you !!
BWO rocked at general !

If they don't win everything, then I am nuts !
I still feel the song inside me..one of the greatest they have ever done.
Watch out tomorrow..I am sure you will see us !
More photos will come..this is from the rehearsal with dresses this afternoon.
Now I have listened to all..my opinions

Here is my opinion for the 3rd partcompetition in Leksand.
BWO is something special really...the song is in my mind, soul and heart from beginning.
So my vote is to FÌNAL:
Molly Sandén
Second chance:
There could be one thing changing this and that is of all EMD's young fans vote like crazy.
I look forward to Big Science..do you ?
This song "You're not Alone" got my thinking of my left, horrible and painful knee that always have been called Alien. I know maybe I am out in outer space now..but this song really calms me down and makes me forget my evil Alien.
So thank you Alexander, Marina and Martin. Once again you have made life better ! We will vote for you, be sure ! And cheer !
Leksand's other side-the nature
And so many nice people. When I get stuck with wheelchair in snow, there is always someone rushing to help.
Will be a long day to wait out the general rep. tonight. But sooooo exciting !
Don't forget to listen to the 60 seconds at 13.10 today Swedish time (1.10PM).
Will be back reporting tonight about the general.
Thursday in Leksand
I was down to Nöjestältet to take photos of Velvet. A bunch of kids had a surprise for her and sang one of her songs for her..and she joined them and they all sang together. Very cute. She seems to be a genuine and kind person.
And later this eve EMD performed. Was a lot of young people there. They have lost of fans.
Has begun snowing again..and tonight very cold..though only -10 C !
Tomorrow a lot is going on Ann-Sofie and Annelie is coming and we will go at the general repetition. Will be fun !
And tomorrow you can hear the 60 seconds of "You're not Alone " at 13.10 sharp..and here is the link.
A fight of who is best in east between EMD and BWO

Alexander though means that Danny Suecedo alone is not the same as the band EMD and he still believes that BWO is biggest in east.
I have to agree with Alexander. He has had many years of success over there and still have.
What do you like Alexander's new look ? I believe that is the same glasses as at BWO Fanclub Worldwide's front side..go check !
What happens in Leksand ?
Tomorrow Leksand by train !

Martin and Alexander at RIX Morron Zoo part 2
A is Alexander and M is Martin still !
-The new book, what can you tell us about that one ?
A:- It's name is " Kroppsmaskinerna"( The Bodymachines) and that is a manual for the smart people. Like you.
-Finally !
-So we will know how we function.
- A help yourself-book.
A.-Me and my co-writer Jan Söderquist write book that we have travelled the world around with. We have had success. And now we have written a book where we have taken Darwin and Freud and put in them in a particel accelerator and then we have let them blown with each other. It's a book about the latest in brain research. How we people function. And that is very fascinating. We have worked with this for 5 years. Extremely fascinating.
- Have you any benefit from that when you write music ?
A:- No, that is 2 different kind of works. I am very schizofren I believe.
- But couldn't it be good to know how the human being function when you write a song ? I mean to win Melodifestivalen. It is a science.
A:- Yes, but is about the magical that you can't touch. Why you like it. That's the exciting with music. When you like a song. When you get delighted in a song. There is the tingle feeling. I don't know why I like the song. I only think it's absolutely beautiful. A feeling of that. That will never any scientist found out about.
-Martin, when Alexander presents a song for example for you. Do you tell your honest opinion if you don't like it ?
M:-Absolutely !
- And what happens then ?
M:- So far has it worked very well cause we have same opionion about what songs we like more or less. So it is not a problem in that way. We throw away songs very early if we don't think they are good. So before we start to sing in a song so maybe we have rejected a lot of others.
- But are there irascible discussions in the group ?
M:- Oh yes !
A:- Though not about music. Is it something we all three in BWO have so is it same taste in music. We like exactly the same.
- What do you fight about ?
M:- Sports, politics, who is best of us for the most.
A:- If someone is one minut late to a meeting so is there terror for the rest of the day for that person. We are time fascists all three of us.
- You really are that ?
M:- We like to pick on each other.
- Can we take this with the rules in Melodifestivalen ?
- We need paper and pen.
- Before we take the rules is Christer Björkman a bribe butt ?
A:- No he is not.
M:- Abolutely not.
A:- He has a impossible task. I think personally it would be better if we had a Eurovision contest in February. Then you have maybe 10 songs that realistic have a chance to be a hit international that competes against each other. Then you can have a Melodifestival from April to Midsummer, like San Remo Festival in Italy. And there the Swedish people can vote on the song they think are best. Cause today we ask the Swedish people what song do you think is the best and at same time we say to them that they should vote on the song that will go best in Europe. That is 2 different things and that get very schizofren of everything. I think that Christer Björkman is in a impossible situation and make a work of a horse. He is fantastically good. But he has an impossible task cause he should do 2 things at same time.
- But when you miss on person in the jury the he cover up himself.
A:- Yes, it's important that someone does that.
M:- Who should do that instead is my question ? Are you tempted Roger ?
- He can call me.
- But isn't he too involved in this. Say instead someone else but Christer Björkman can take that place.
A:- I don't agree about that. I know how this works. There are 3000 songs sent in and most of them is written by amateurs and then you get the 32 best songs which comes to the Festival in the end year after year. It's simply that some people are very good at writing songs. You just have to admit that.
- Can't you say instead that Christer Björkman can choose 32 songs ? And then he can do that.
A:- He choose 4 songs every year, the so called jokers.
-Yes, the jokers.
A:- I think that is enough.
A:- You can find other ways. One way for example , you pick 16 places for Sweden's best songwriters and they can write one song each and then 16 places for the public and then ordinary people can send them in. Then you can have a competition with those. There are several solutions you can have for this problem. And then we can do that.
- But now we talk about the songs. When there really is we vote on the artists.
A:- No it's not !
M:- A combination I believe. But it's a bit exaggerated the meaning of the artists and you have seen that especially this year. And Shirley came last.
A:- When you come to Globen it finally is about the songs every year. And it's always the best songs that win. It must be about that.
M:- Then it happens to be that a great artist can express a song in a better way. And you need routines and experience, knowledge and talent to express a song in a good way. An artist is not unimportant. Certainly not.
- What did you think about Måns ( Zelmerlöw) this weekend ? You weren't that impressed I understand.
A:- Måns is really good. I am a fan and a friend and a friend has written the song. So I am involved in one or another way anyways. Though I had the feeling that this is Martin Stenmarck singing Hero( Charlotte Perelli's song that won Melodifestivalen 2008). If I should be totally honest. I think Måns has done everything to win Melodifestivalen and have then a problem if he is going to Moscow I believe. Cause I don't think this is something that works international at all.
And then I think Alcazar the week before would be much better to send to Moscow. Cause they have an international career and are more international in all ways.
- What is needed international to be all good ?
A:- A very good song that sounds very modern that can work in Eastern Europe. Because it's not that Eastern Europe vote on each other. They vote on songs they like. But the most countries in Europe is in Eastern Europe. It is more countries there then in Western Europe. So a song that should win in Moscow must be a song that Eeastern Europe likes or a Swedish song has no chance there.
- If you don't win.
A:- Which we really want to.
- Then Alcazar can win ?
A: - Yes, I think Alcazar is a good alternative.
M:- The song they have, the routine and they have the experience and the history.
A:- And they are a big name in Eastern Europe.
- But Lili & Susie ?
M:-They have a very good song I think.
A:- They are unknown in Eastern Europe yes.
M:- But they had really the best song I think. Now this Saturday.
- Very good song.
A:- The gay-hit this year.
- I would bet my money on that.
- A question that we never get away from in Melodifestivalen is the clothes. It's always me that has to ask that. Last year you were spectacular really. You could almost not walk with your shoes and the collars were so high and nice. How is it this year ?
A.- Cosmonauts.
M:- Naked.
-Cosmonauts and naked ?
A:- 8 cosmonauts on stage it will be on Saturday.
M:- 8 naked cosmonauts.
A:- If you should do something do that propertly.
Martin and Alexander at RIX Morron Zoo

BWO at RixFM in English part 1
The interviewers are Gert, Roger and Titti at Rix Morgon Zoo. A means Alexander and M is Martin. Marina wasn't there. Part 2 comes later tonight.
-Welcome Alexander Bard and Martin Rolinski !
A and M: -Thank you very much.
-Do you feel good ?
A -We feel great !
-On Saturday you compete in Leksand ?
A and M: - That's right !
M:- Should be madly fun this year.
-And you Alexander was in Skellefteå this weekend also ?
A: - I was up in Skellefteå and felt the temperature last week yes.
-Because you wrote Amy Diamond's song ?
A:- That's right.
-And that went well.
A:-And that went well.
Unisont everyone: Very well !
A:- As warm up it was very well.
A:- Now come the big elephants here in Leksand on Saturday.
-Now when you have written Amy's song, would you be happy if she would represent us in Eurovision in Moscow ?
A:- I don't think that is so realistic.
- But if that happens. She has a lot of young fans.
A:- No but this if is very far away.
A:- I can tell you that I have heard all songs before now. Everyone.
-So you know ?
A:- All the big canons is left.
- Oh how fun and the biggest canon is sitting here ?
M:- Should I be totally honest, I don't care so much about this. We have a fantastic song. Should be fun to sing it. So I don't care that much.
- It's a calm song ?
M:- Yes, it's a very calm song. It starts very little and ends very big.
-It's the song working international ?
M:- You can give a damn about that.
- Now I have to say one thing, Bert Karlsson, he has said that you lie and make up about your success in Eastern Europe ?
A:- That is very weird. You only have to look at wikipedia and check and you get all toplists in Eastern Europe at same time. We can't sit and lie about such things.
A:- Bert is 18th century. Can't anyone put him in a home and declare him having Alzheimers disease once and for all ? It's along time since he knew something about this.
- But it's a bit fun anyways, there are a Bert that is putting his face out a bit.
A:- It's like bringing out Dracula and open a coffin and take out a skeleton that wakes up and mumble something that was relevant for 100 years ago. Then you put him down again. That is Bert Karlsson nowadays.
-Yeah, he looks out when there is Melodifestivalen.
-Can I ask how it feels to be so modern ?
A:- I am as modern as you are Gert. We are old men that is on the go. Is it the testosteron plastic that is what's up ?
M:- I think it's so fun this time a year because Alexander gets a round of schlager Tourette's . I think that is really fun.
- But maybe that is the same disease as Bert Karlsson has ?
A:- I have better check then Bert Karlsson has.
- So far.
A:- He has never had an international success. I have had that for 20 years time after time.
- But if BWO win and become last in Moscow ?
M:-Then I will invite Bert for dinner.
A:- Then we stop everything.
-Look out for which type of food, cause this is his speciality lately.
M:- Yes, it should be healthy.
- Alexander, you have a new book released in April ?
A: -That's right.
- You want to be chiefideologhist in Folkpartiet. You have a political career waiting for you.
-What are you going to be when you grow up Martin ?
M:-I am already big cause...
- You have a real job.
M:- Yes, I have a real job besides the silly artistry that I don't understand. I work as, how should you say this, I work as consult for a big telecomindustry in Sweden.
- That's right.
-But you studied at KTH. Did you become some kind of engineer then ?
M:- Yes that was what I became.
- That's nice. Then you are married nowadays ?
M:- That's right also.
- With a wonderful woman. I could put my teeth in her a while ago. That tasted good.
M:- She really did appriciate that.
- What fun.
M:- And she thanks so much for that.
- I heard also that you have been a doorguard before.
M:- That's exactly right. Not so frightening maybe. My long hair didn't scare people as the thought was with me being a doorguard. So that wasn't a long lasting career. I looked a bit bigger when I got a safety west on me.
- A bit beefy.
M:- I looked a bit beefy but the hair destroyed everything.
-I have been boxing against Martin once. We exercised together once.
M:- Yes, and you did fall also.
- Yes, also that. And you have an incredible swing in your hit.
M:- Thank you ! And you have incredible cute kicks.
- And you Alexander you have worked in instutional care ?
A:- Yes I did.
- It's also a real job, really.
A:- I turned old ladies so they shouldn't get wounds because they were laying down.
- Really important.
A:- Yes that is good. Then you get to know how people work.
-But now I have to ask, you have a fantastic clothes on you today. An incredible "luse"cardigan on you today from Lofoten.
A:- Yes that is a real one from Lofoten, Harstad.
- Have you been there shopping yourself ?
A:- Yep, I have been there. I got that from the city Harstad cause I was a consult for them a couple of years ago. I didn't think I needed to do that, because that is one of the the world's richest cities. But they thought they could pay me to come there telling them some trues.
- And " luse" cardigans that are so expensive, was nice that you didn't have to pay.
A:- Besides I love Norway. Norway is a fantastic country. The world's most beautiful country I have to admit.
- Have you gone by boat on Hurtigrutten ?
A:- Yes, absolutely. I did that already as little.
- Yes, do that once again. Cause the need some travellers there.
- Yes, now they have less money. The papers wrote that.
BWO live at radio

OK, tomorrow morning at 8.30 BWO will be live in radio at Rix Morron Zoo.
Here is the link.
A translation to English will be on the blog tomorrow afternoon.
7th up for Leksand..and the countdown is on.

Number 7 up in Leksand on Saturday is Sofia with the song " Alla". Sofia is her artist name, whole name is Sofia Berntson. She was in Melodifestivalen 2006 with the contribution "Hypnotized". She doesn't only sing in Swedish and English. She also sing in Greek as she has been brought up both in Greece and Sweden.
Her contribution this year "Alla"(All) is described as a rockinspirated ethnopopsong-heavy pop/rock with a cool riff.
I have listened on her and also on "Hypnotized". Interesting, but I am not impressed.
Here can you hear her sing "Hypnotized".
I was almost right...

The Anniversary book
Closing date for all entries: 28th February 2009
The book should be forwarded to the band at the weekend 14th/15th March, 2009.
Further news around this book can also be read here on our news site at
BWO on RixFM Monday morning

Skellefteå-second partcompetition..now you can hear the 60 seconds.
Today you can hear the contributions at SVT, but only 60 seconds.
I have heard them and here you have my thoughts:
Lili & Susie- Show Me Heaven
" Going back to the 80ies. I think this will be this Summer's hit on the discos and on the beaches.
A bit repeating over and over. Second chance "
Lasse Lindh & Bandet- Jag ska slåss i dina kvarter
"Typical upbeated Lasse Lindh music. Either you like that or not. Straight pure Swedish pop.
I think Lasse Lindh has a lot of great music, but this one only makes me tired."
Jennifer Brown-Never Been Here Before
"Laid back song. She sings very nice, but I think I have heard this one before a thousand times."
H.E.A.T.-A 1000 Miles
"A bit of Europe sound, though they don't sing as well. A bit boring, but I think this one will make to Final. We need a lot of other songs then we have had to compete in Eurovision and this is a new sound."
Markoolio-Kärlekssång Från Mig
"I love Markoolio ! But this ballad is really a joke. He tries hard to be serious and maybe that is the problem as the Markoolio we know is a joking person with music in full speed."
Amy Diamond-It's My Life
"Amy, Amy you have done it ! I have seen Amy several times and everytime she has grown in her singing and in her performance and now also with the voice. What a song. Will be interesting to see you on stage. Looking forward to this. A upbeated charming song that can go a long way.
And who is behind the song..yes there are Mr Bard, Oscar Holter and Bobby Ljunggren.
No doubt TO FINAL !!"
Cookies n Beans-What If
"Country girls, what are you doing here ? A country song that I am sorry to say has found wrong place to compete."
Måns Zelmerlöw-Hope & Glory
"Full speed, nice go..but not enough for Final. I miss something, I don't know. But I think that Måns song disappears somehere. I have thought more of this one. Second chance !"
Here is the link to listen:
We will of course be online at the chat at BWO Fanclub Worldwide http://www.bwo-fanclub.com/
during the contribution tomorrow eve.
More posts come later today...stay tuned for more info.
The 6th up for Leksand...and some reminding...

5th contribution to Leksand

We continue..contribution 4 in Leksand.

What Bonnier Music says about the new album "Big Science"
I managed to find some videos with the bands that has influence on the new album...listen and make your own opinion what this mixed in a BWO sound can be...
The Killers:
Electric Light Orchestra:
Tamla Motown consists of the old melodious dansfriendly soulpop like Supremes, Temptations and Stevie Wonder.
Alcazar and Emilia to the Final in Globen

Alcazar and Emilia to Final in Globen and Caroline Af Ugglas and Scotts to Second chance in Norrköping. Yes, that is the results after the first partcompetition tonight in Gothenburg.
The big surprise was really Caroline Af Ugglas that also was choosen by The International Jury. So if she won't make it in Second chance to the Final she has one out of 4 chances to be picked by the International jury. They pick out one contribution in every part competition that have a chance to become the 11th song in the Final.
My thoughts: Alcazar and Emilia was pretty clear already after the rehearsals to go to the Final.
Alcazar was really outstanding in this part competition. They have a hit that can come a long way also in Europe. And I am sure this one will be played at clubs and at many radiostations. And also Alexander Bard has a history as writer and producer for Alcazar.
I will be both on Second chance and at the Final in Globen. You can be sure of getting reports !
Listen to partcompetition 1 in Melodifestivalen
You can listen to them until 7.30 PM GMT tomorrow eve.
Here is the link.
I have listened at them and this is my opinion:
Nina Söderquist- Tick Tock
"Tough song, but very usual..I get bored."
Jonathan Fagerlund- Welcome to My Life
" Happy popsong. One of all boysongs you hear on radio. Second chance next !"
Shirley Clamp-Med hjärtat fyllt av ljus
" A ballad, but not as powerful as you are used to hear Shirley sing. One among all ordinary ballads."
Scotts-Jag tror på oss
"Typical swedish dance band. Lots of speed. Easy to get on mind..but not a winner."
Emilia- You're My World.
A song with rhytm, very happy. Reminds me of some of those UK has had. To final !"
Alcazar-Stay the Night
" Lovely discoschlager ! I want to dance. I can see Alcazar on stage when I hear this one. To final !"
Caroline Af Ugglas-Snälla snälla
" A bit of beauty in this one. Though her song is to hard. When do the song start really ?"
Marie Serneholt-Disconnect Me
"Reminds me of Ruslana a bit here and there. Though not as powerful as hers. Second chance next !"
Tomorrow you can watch the first competition online on http://www.svt.se/ with start 7PM GMT
BWO Fanclub Worldwide will be online on the chat during the competition tomorrow night with start 7PM GMT.
Come and join us !
Reporters dig and dig..makes you wonder

The interview with Martin in QX translated
They compete in Leksand and after have come 2nd and 3rd in the Globen finals 2006 and 2008 Alexander, Marina and Martin now go for a win in 2009.
It has been sayings about a new sound for BWO....
-Yes, there is a significant difference compared to before. This is a bit to The Killers-way and some traces of Kraftwerk. But the production sounds still BWO.
What can you tell about the song ?
- It is starting very small and ends as big as possible with big choirs. It's a magnifique ballad that gives me goosebumps. It wasn't a ballad from the beginning, more of an uptempo.
But we were all united about that if we should come back, the song should be different then the earlier ones.
Is this the last time you are in ?
-It should feel stupid to answer in that way, cause the last times we have been there I have said so. It is not so remarkable , we are in cause we are artists and we want people to listen to our music.
What is your relationship to Leksand ?
-Not more then I think the hockey team should go back to the elite series.
How big are you in Russia ?
-We have several times been first on toplists there and that is the country where we first broke through. Also is Alexander monumentally big there, Army of Lovers was one of the absolutely biggest bands there in the 90ies and have had enormous importance for the gay-movement in Russia.
Also was he and Marina in Vacuum, that also where big in Russia.
Why will you win in Moscow ?
-By different reasons. We are making music that goes home in Europe, BWO has a history in many of the countries and we have a damn good song. When we started talking about this we look at last years winner Dima Bilan and said that we could do this so much better. And that is what we do now.
QX Magazine February 2009 with Martin
Molly Sandén is number 3 in Leksand

Number 2 in Leksand

Artists competing with BWO in Leksand

The scenery at Melodifestivalen speaks for Big Science.

Welcome everyone to NETTANS BWORLD !!
Welcome to my new blogg !! Here I am going to reveal all adventures both crazy and serious when I am out where BWO is. From tomorrow and so on there will be the countdown to Leksand. I will tell you what is up and what is going on. A lot of plans has been made this weekend. I hope you will have fun following me ! And please tell me what you want to hear about or see.
Thank you Thomas for opening up this for me.
Nettan from Sweden