So all BWO fans out in the world. A whole year has passed by, a year of BWO everywhere and anywhere. A very special year with music with a more new sound, a spectacular show in Melodifestivalen and of course including shorts (yes Alexander what would we think if you didn't wear that).
I hope you all have enjoyed your BWO year. I have had a fabolous year and I want to share that here with you all by telling some of my bloopers and some of the highlights during this year. The highlights are many more then the bloopers, phew lucky me !
BWO has taken me to many places this year and I have been on many trainrides through the country.
I went to Leksand, my hometown Norrköping, Stockholm several times, Eskilstuna, Motala, Örebro, Härnösand och Göteborg(Gothenburg). Could have been more places, but sometimes life around me is calling HELP ! Then I need to squeeze that in.
Leksand was the snow-white mysterious little place in Dalarna that went pink when Melodifestivalen arrived. My mainconcern in Leksand was how to get around in a wheelchair.
I learnt that there is something called cab and also great to have rescue people with you that can do first aid on the wheelchairs wheels when they get stucked cause of ice.
I had 2 girls from Sundsvall that was my first aid kit. Annelie and Ann-Sofie did first aid several times on my wheels by blowing hot air on them.
Another sight I can't forget is when Alexander, Marina and Martin together with Annelie, Ann-Sofie and me had a meeting outside the arena in Leksand in Ann-Sofie's little Jetta. Warm and cozy. The hysterical girl fans outside the arena most have wondered....... .
And so I won't forget the highlight, the magic...You're Not Alone on stage. I even have the original sound from Leksand in my mp-3 player.
To not forget the biggest blooper...when we made a big streamer and used spraycolors in a tiny room with bad ventilation. Yes we were high after !
To Norrköping I welcomed BWO to Second chance. And of course Annelie and Ann-Sofie joined me. Now we were even more prepared and the biggest highlight for the girls was to go by tram through my city.
Norrköping was cold....I wore shorts. As we all 3 were dressed in t-shirts with BWO's name on and of course I cheered for Alexander, then what was more important then to wear shorts and the double ties not to forget.
Madness was when BWO wasn't voted to the Final.....but we got to hear "Snälla, Snälla"...and that made me ripp my hair off ! Well almost...... .
In March during the Final of Melodifestivalen BWO Fanclub Worldwide had an official meeting in Stockholm. We were people from 4 different countries meeting up. Hey BWO you have made our world smaller...thanks for that !
The biggest blooper was when we were going to see Alcazar in Upplands Väsby and we got on wrong train. We got on a SJ train and hadn't paid tickets. So when the girl came noone of use were from Sweden...... .
We also had a lovely dinner at Göken with BWO, a cool little restaurant you need to visit if you come to Stockholm.
To Eskilstuna I went for the first official gig from BWO with RixFm in beginning of June. Guess if I melted though it was cold.
Another highlight when I was there was the visit from the King and the Queen of Sweden.
When I was on my way from hotel to the train in a corner there was suddenly policemotorbikes that stopped the traffic and so they came in a bus waveing to everyone. I also saw them later at a square in middle of city.
In middle of Summer I went to Motala to see the first fully concert of BWO. Motala appeared with great weather except when BWO should be on stage. The rain poured down right before.
The morning after my shoes were dead...I forgot to take them out of the bag.
So I had to go barefoot downtown the next day to buy a new pair....lucky me being a wheelchair girl !
A big highlight was to hear Love Came Crashing Down and when Alexander had done his part in Kings Of Tomorrow in discoversion, the stage was almost lifting !
OK, it didn't lift....but the feeling...... .
In middle of July I went to Örebro for their gig with Mix Megapol. To go to Norrköping from Örebro sometimes mean that you have to change train 2 times. So I had to this time and my train from Katrineholm to Hallsberg was late so I and another passenger was showed to another train in Hallsberg. And on we went. When we showed our tickets we got a smiling face towards us. We had gotten on right train but in wrong way. So we had to go to Motala and be there for an hour before the train could go back ! But it was a fantastic day, so off we went to the harbour for an icecream. I guess that was some purpose with that as I had been just some weeks before in Motala so I knew the way.
I could go on for hours and write about my BWO year, about Big Science, about my passion for the music...and all what has been happening during 2009...but I stop here.
I wanna thank you all for reading this blogg. I hope you enjoy it. Do never hesitate to tell me if you miss something or if there are things you don't like. You can always mail me at
I also want to thank Thomas Schmidt for giving me the opportunity.
But biggest thanks goes to Alexander, Marina and Martin.
You have made a big difference in my life and I can't tell you that enough of times.
I am now looking forward to a new year of music. We won't see much of BWO on stage, but they will be there somehow with their music, I know that for sure.
So roll on 2010 with a big smile............. .
Many hugs Nettan