You also had the opportunity to send a message to BWO directly. We forwarded those messages to them in original already yesterday evening and BWO themselves replied with the following words:
These are some of the sweetest words we have ever heard. We indeed have fantastic fans, please pass our warmest regards to as many of them as you possibly can.
You may see: BWO do care and read your messages. They are very happy about these messages from their fans. So, you should always take your chance to greet and write to them.
Concerning the winning game!
This single had been released in May 2004 and was indeed the first worldwide single. Unfortunately, there has been a lot of confusion with the answer. Nevertheless, the answer shouldn't be too easy but also solvable. We wanted to know the name of the absolute first single released worldwide. Some of you were probably thinking of the first songle which will be released at first worldwide by BWO?! However, this isn't "Chariots Of Fire" either. This single is often mentioned as "first single" presently but it's not at all the first single release in Germany and UK.These are some of the sweetest words we have ever heard. We indeed have fantastic fans, please pass our warmest regards to as many of them as you possibly can.
You may see: BWO do care and read your messages. They are very happy about these messages from their fans. So, you should always take your chance to greet and write to them.
Concerning the winning game!
The correct answer to our question "What's the name of the first single worldwide?" is:
"Living In A Fantasy"
"Living In A Fantasy"
BUT: This time everyone is able to win something with us!
Among the "I Love BWO"-Shirts and "I Love BWO"-Buttons you could also win the German CD "Chariots Of Fire". So many of you would like to have this CD and thus the FanClub decided to increase the number by 3 further CDs so that now totally 6 CDs can be won. Who won what can seen below:
Male Shirt:
1x S - Rodrigo Jiménez Irlado (Argentina) /
1x M - Adam Smith (United Kingdom)
Female Shirt:
1x S - Sandra Lindoff (Sweden) / 1x S - Viktoria Jonson (Sweden) /
1x M - Amy Krug (USA) / 1x M - Fanny Anestig (Sweden) /
1x M - Katarzyna Truskawa (Poland) / 1x M - Elena Zakharova (Russia)
1x L - Annette Svensson (Sweden) / 1x L - Jessica Olsson (Sweden) /
1x L Andreea Muntean (Romania) / 1x L - Magda Stachel (Poland) /
"Chariots Of Fire" German-CD:
Daron Brown (USA) / Nolla Malova (Ukraine) / Wang Min (China) /
Evgeny Nikolaev (Russia) / Paul Branley-Cook (United Kingdom) /
Olga Putintseva (Russia)
"I Love BWO"-Buttons:
Annette Svensson (Sweden) / Patrick Barth (Germany) /
Aleksandra Wróblewska (Poland) / Nicolas Gérin (Belgium) /
Lisa Höglund (Sweden) / Daron Brown (USA) / Jessica Olsson (Sweden)
Anna Söderberg (Sweden) / Nolla Malova (Ukraine) / Ksenia (Ukraine)
Wang Min (China) / Natasza Sakson (Poland) /
Emelie Wahlgren (Sweden) / Katarzyna Szwarc (Poland) /
Juan Miguel Cornejo (Ecuador) / Ma Yu (China) / L.J. Rong (China) /
Evgeny Nikolaev (Russia) / Marc Oliver Stümpflen (Germany) /
Paul Branley-Cook (United Kingdom) / Viktoria Jonson (Sweden) /
"Zenghuiqihoho" (China) (we have only this email address!!!) /
Mark Fokkema (Netherlands) / Nimrod Hazan (Israel) /
Frank Thorstensson (Sweden) / Oksana Strelnikova (Russia) /
Peter Nyitrai (Hungary) / Sandra Lindoff (Sweden) /
Emelie Erkisson (Sweden) / Ronny Raabe (Germany) /
Jurgen Erik Bommezijn (Netherlands) /
Rodrigo Jimérez-Irlado (Argentina) / Jill Sonelin (Sweden) /
Olga Putintseva (Russia) / Magda Stachel (Poland) /
Elena Zakharova (Russia) / Julia Zuchkova (Sweden) /
Mirela Muntean (Romania) / Katarzyna Truskawa (Poland) /
Elise Lundgren (Sweden) / Fanny Anestig (Sweden) /
Andreea Muntean (Romania) / Rodolphe Moulin (France) /
Frank Edwards (USA) / Adam Smith (United Kingdom) /
Chloe Hudgson (Australia) / Amy Krug (USA) & Leo Vergara (USA)
Attention: Let us surprise you how many buttons you've won!
We would like to thank all of you very much for participating in our winning game and hope that everyone is happy resp. satisfied with her/his winnings. And all of you, who didn't win anything or the "wrong" thing: Look forward to the next contest as we've already collected very rare and special stuff! - All prizes will be send to the whole wide world beginning next week, as we still have to prepare them for sending. So please have a little patience.
Thank you so much, Thomas - BWO FanClub Worldwide
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