
BWO @ Charts: "Barcelona" in Russia

The end of September is listed and from place 268 to place 155 BWO made a large leap last week with “Barcelona” in the Russian Airplay Charts. These placements originate from the number, how often “Barcelona” has been played in the Russian radios. Thus “Barcelona” has been played last week about 1000 times by Russian radio stations.
We continue to observe the Airplay Charts in Russia and report it here regularly.

We could not book an entrance into the official Swedish Charts for “Gomenasai” so far.


Anonymous said...

i always thought that bwo were huge in russia, but while chatting with some russian pals I realized that they are almost unknown over there.

Nolla said...

Woooy! If it trye I was in a little shock about that news, "Barcelona" in the Russian chart..waw)) It seems Russia forgot BWO...