So I went to Eskilstuna yesterday to see BWO on stage. Already when I came out from my home it started raining. So had to grab my rainclothes right away.
We have experienced Summer turn in to half Winter the latest days here.
But when you have the feeling for music in your body, you can take the most !
I have only been to Eskilstuna Zoo before numerous times (no wonder that I am like I am..monkey business !), but never experienced Eskilstuna as a city. And I must admit the city is a beauty. Like my hometown there is a water crossing the city.
Oh got to add a history about Eskilstuna Zoo. When I was there as kid with my 2 brothers and mom and dad there was a photographer taking photos every year on the whole family. So we have a ton of those where we can see how we looked from year to year...scarey stuff !
The stage was placed at Strömsholmen, like sort of an Island in the water.
There also you could of course find all tents and commercials that comes with RixFM festival. Not in my interests !
When I came to Eskilstuna I got me a map first of all. I hate to ask about the way around. Then I went to see where Strömsholmen was located and after that went to the hotel that was situated in the outer area of Eskilstuna. Chilled there for a couple of hours, then went into innercity again.
When I came to Strömsholmen I found out that the handicapramp was placed like 2 soccerarenas away from stage ! What the I a secondplaced citizen !
So I went to see what the options were. The security fence was placed so near the stage so it was impossible to be in between with a wheelchair. So I asked them where to go and I found out they didn't have any idea to come up I ended up standing by the security fence. And that went very well, hanging on the fence while taking photos ! Got a very nice little cute boy that had just lost one fronttooth beside me. He was a big fan of BWO and loves especially Alexander. So when I was bored in the beginning when Ramsells where playing, he entertained me !
First out on stage was Alcazar. They made the temperature get higher from beginning.
After them Lili & Susie entered the stage and the audience cheered a lot.
Third out was Sarah Dawn Finér. When she sang here second song the audience sang with her.
As fourth and fifth we could see Janet and Kim. Not that interesting. I saw them both in Stockholm and it's not my kind of music. When Kim entered the stage the girls were screaming !
So finally what I have waited for...BWO..Alexander, Marina and Martin entered the stage ! As happy as they always look. I think they liked being back on stage and you could tell by their smiles. Martin started talking with the audience directly. First song out was "Lay Your Love On Me". A smart move when the people know this song. Great choice of you BWO. Haha funny is to try take pictures of Martin. Always at least half of them becomes photos of his back or something else. What energy you have on stage Martin ! Marina had a beaufitul dress on her. I had a perfect spot so could get so many good photos.
As second they played "You're Not Alone", the discoversion. I most admit that I got a tear or two in my eyes. This song means so much for me, forever touching my heart.
Alexander, Marina and Martin, I am so happy that you sang the discoversion cause if you had done the ballad, I had started crying and what photos had I been able take then ?? I have always felt like that this song was made for me. And I do remember when talking with BWO about this during Melodifestivalen, they said that was want they wanted to achieve..a song touching everyone no matter who you are..a song just for YOU.
As third song they played Right Here Right Now. That was perfect ! From beginning RHRN wasn't one of my favorites on Big Science, but I have listened and listened and RHRN is a song that grows by time. RHRN on stage was magic, even better then hearing on the CD. Tons better.
BWO you made a great performance.
Unfortunately there was a bit of chaos around the whole place so we didn't have chance to meet up, but I talked on phone with both Alexander and Martin. And we will meet up soon, very soon.
Martin said that he felt a bit rusty. But me who has seen them so many times can't agree at all. BWO great to have you back on stage again...see you soon !
Thanks also for always being so nice and careing.
The day after something other fun happened(today). Eskilstuna has 350 years background as town and we have National Day in Sweden. So the king and the queen of Sweden was there and I got just in time there to see them and got some wonderful photos.
Over and out for today...keep sending questions and feed back. Will be forwarded to BWO.
"Haha funny is to try take pictures of Martin. Always at least half of them becomes photos of his back or something else. What energy you have on stage Martin !"
Haha, it just recalled me "my" BWO gig in Malmö! But thankfully I was fast enough to take "quite many" photos and even record some videos.
Thanks for your report and for a great pics! You're one of a kind - keep it up :).
Hey Nettan,
Was it really the rain that makes you wet :-)?Or was it because of Lili,Susie & BWO?
Water crossing the city must be beautiful,i have water in the shower,everyday it amazed me :-).
Much love and hopefully we meet each other soon as well!
You know what, Jurgen? It's you who amaze me everyday...
Katarzyna,that is really not a healty way of life in your head...but what the hell,....women never used their head anyway :-).
The one and only Spaminator
Lucky me I am a girl !!!/Nettan
Who did say that I'm a woman? Maybe I'm an androgyne?
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