yes here she is, the girl that is releasing RHRN with BWO in UK.
last but not least. I am so impressed of your voice Martin. It's so unique and special. A real close up photo tonight !
gosh was really tough to get you on photos tonight. There was one older person standing right side of me and she was leaning forward and clapped her hands all the time. But Alexander, haha, I did catch you !
What a bright happy smile you had tonight. Maybe you felt close to home, just like me !
The gig in Linköping
Just got home to my daughter's apartment in Linköping after Mix Megapol gig and a couple of beers, That is seldom for me, only when it's Summer and very hot.
There was thunder earlier this eve and in the club it was very hot.
Like last time in Örebro the eve started out with a competition to try find the next big male artist in Sweden. 10 guys sang acapella this evening. The funny was that I for second time had choosen the same winner as the jury !
Like in every competition there is something odd always. This eve it was a guy that did put a tuning fork to his ear and sang Hallelujah. Hmmmm totally wrong competition for that! I am sorry, but I laughed. I thought I had come to a church or more to some religious sect.
After the competition 2 very talented girls played. They were the answer to Pet Shop Boys and called themselves West End Girls. Very good electronic music. I hope to hear them more times.
After that Pauline showed up once again. I liked her better today then last time in Örebro. She has a very good voice, but it's something with the music that makes her boring. If she should change music, I am sure she would be much better.
Then our friends Alexander,Marina and Martin was on stage. Was not easy to take photos this eve, but I got some good shots. The audience was very happy to see them.
Me too of course. They did RHRN, RTTO, LYLOM and You're Not Alone as ballad.
Ohh gosh what I wanted to hear more ! The full concerts makes me spoiled.
BWO did a very good gig and they look relaxed, happy and pleased on stage.
Afterwards I handled over the e-mails with congratulations that you had sent.
Very sweet of you to do. Go on and write cause they really do appriciate all feed back from the fans.
A gig at a club is much more fun to be at then out at a Festival. You get a close contact with them and you more sort of feel like you are on stage with the band.
Lucky you guys that you can't hear me sing though...what a nightmare !
So after BWO Velvet turned up. She started off with The Queen. She also did her latest hit that she released in UK recently.
She was flirting with the audience. A funny girl to see on stage. All though she has no instruments and just is standing there on her own, she makes a great show.
Will be interesting to see the upcoming UK release together with BWO.
To mention, she said that she came straight from the Pride Festival in Stockholm.
A very nice eve with a great audience.
To honour The Pride Festival week I was dressed in black with the Pride colors on my t-shirt and on my shoes.
So now some photos and later there will ofcourse be more photos uploaded at the website.
BWO at Mix Megapol in Linköping

Tonight BWO will attend to another Mix Megapol gig, like that one in Örebro.
With them tonight is Pauline like last time, but suprisingly also Velvet.
Last time I saw Velvet was in Leksand during Melodifestivalen when she competed with The Queen.
She had a very spectacular dress. I thought she would come better then she did.
Now only a month until BWO and Velvet release Right Here Right Now together in UK. I talked with some UK people yesterday and they look forward to the release and think this will be a big hit in UK.
I doubt that I will hear them do RHRN together tonight, but who knows, suprises can always appear. Anyways I hope to see them live together if they do some gig in UK.
More about the gig later.
Fanversion of You're Not Alone
Today I uploaded the fanversion of You're Not Alone at Youtube.
Annelie, Ann-Sofie and I did this video after Second chance in Norrköping early morning the 8th of March this year.
So here it is for all of you...enjoy !
Annelie, Ann-Sofie and I did this video after Second chance in Norrköping early morning the 8th of March this year.
So here it is for all of you...enjoy !
The words in
Here is a translation of the words that a journalist(Erik Sjölander) wrote about BWO's gig in Härnösand:
"But if Charlotte Perrelli miss hits so is BWO the opposite. As a finale to a well-off edition of City Festival the trio perfectly pour qualitypop over the audience. Rolinski is as honest as Perrelli: "we care about one thing - good songs." There is no discussion. Radio plagues "Sunshine In The Rain" and "Open Doors" is incorporated into a playlist that would otherwise get the most from the new album Big Science.
Although many other bands had risked some response to such efforts is the new material so well that it stand up against the band's older hits. Especially during "Right here right now" and closing ballad "You're not alone" is Rolinski carried away and loose himelf in the choreography. And I promise that there was not a foot during the gig - who ever it belongs to - which could not fail to stamp with."
"But if Charlotte Perrelli miss hits so is BWO the opposite. As a finale to a well-off edition of City Festival the trio perfectly pour qualitypop over the audience. Rolinski is as honest as Perrelli: "we care about one thing - good songs." There is no discussion. Radio plagues "Sunshine In The Rain" and "Open Doors" is incorporated into a playlist that would otherwise get the most from the new album Big Science.
Although many other bands had risked some response to such efforts is the new material so well that it stand up against the band's older hits. Especially during "Right here right now" and closing ballad "You're not alone" is Rolinski carried away and loose himelf in the choreography. And I promise that there was not a foot during the gig - who ever it belongs to - which could not fail to stamp with."
BWO in Härnösand impressions
If you ever have been to a music festival like Hultsfred, well then you understand how the place was looking at Härnösand City Festival where BWO played Saturday eve.
Like Martin said, from the stage you could see a spot in middle where there was empty in front of the stage. Yes, there was a lot of mud !
The rain the days before had made the area to mud.
But during this eve we had nice weather.
Annelie and Ann-Sofie and me got there in a good time before the gig. You never know when you like me come in wheelchair and want a good spot to take photos from, if there is any good spot to find.
The area for wheelchairs was too long from stage and didn't make me see anything.
Luckily I could get in touch with the right people and was allowed to sit in front of the stage in the security area.(Many thanks to the Festival Manager for the help!)
To be on this Festival was almost like when I was in Eskilstuna at the RixFM Festival. The area where the Festival was held was at like an Island, so you had to go over a bridge to get there. Water makes a lot to the feeling.
Before BWO Charlotte Perelli sang. She has been in Melodifestivalen twice, but weird is that she doesn't have more then these 2 songs that are her own. She sang for instance Dolly Parton's Nine To Five. How odd is that ??
Ohh well back to speaking of BWO. The gig was very nice. You can tell more and more from seing the first concerts in beginning of Summer to see that one now, that everything is better for everytime. Well I don't mean they haven't been good before, but the concert was even better now. Did that make sense ? Maybe..LOL !
Before the audience was screaming for them to come out..saying " Give me a B...BBB..give me a W...WWWWW...Give me a O....OOOOO...and that makes...BWO !!!"
I think the audience was much better here then in Motala.
According to BWO, they were very pleased with both the gig in Piteå and here in Härnösand.
The photos from this concert can be a bit odd, that is because I choosed to pick some of them that shows that Martin is everywhere on stage. In general you don't see such photos. Though that could be fun for you that haven't been on a live gig to see.
The playlist was the same as in Motala I believe. A good mix of songs that show how many hits they really have had. In Allehanda a local daily paper you could read about that. I will make a short translation later about the good words that the journalist wrote about BWO.
In all this was a lovely evening. BWO did have a signing after and the queue was long.
In all this Festival had a familybased audience. I think that also shows that BWO has fans in all ages.
Now if I should make some words about how I see BWO on stage.
Martin: energy, the voice, captivating.
Alexander: hitmaker,the soul of BWO, the fun on stage.
Marina: grace, happiness, the calm one.
Maybe that says something for everyone that can't be on a live gig.
Once again Martin, Alexander and Marina for a great gig and taking you time.
You are a great band !
Like Martin said, from the stage you could see a spot in middle where there was empty in front of the stage. Yes, there was a lot of mud !
The rain the days before had made the area to mud.
But during this eve we had nice weather.
Annelie and Ann-Sofie and me got there in a good time before the gig. You never know when you like me come in wheelchair and want a good spot to take photos from, if there is any good spot to find.
The area for wheelchairs was too long from stage and didn't make me see anything.
Luckily I could get in touch with the right people and was allowed to sit in front of the stage in the security area.(Many thanks to the Festival Manager for the help!)
To be on this Festival was almost like when I was in Eskilstuna at the RixFM Festival. The area where the Festival was held was at like an Island, so you had to go over a bridge to get there. Water makes a lot to the feeling.
Before BWO Charlotte Perelli sang. She has been in Melodifestivalen twice, but weird is that she doesn't have more then these 2 songs that are her own. She sang for instance Dolly Parton's Nine To Five. How odd is that ??
Ohh well back to speaking of BWO. The gig was very nice. You can tell more and more from seing the first concerts in beginning of Summer to see that one now, that everything is better for everytime. Well I don't mean they haven't been good before, but the concert was even better now. Did that make sense ? Maybe..LOL !
Before the audience was screaming for them to come out..saying " Give me a B...BBB..give me a W...WWWWW...Give me a O....OOOOO...and that makes...BWO !!!"
I think the audience was much better here then in Motala.
According to BWO, they were very pleased with both the gig in Piteå and here in Härnösand.
The photos from this concert can be a bit odd, that is because I choosed to pick some of them that shows that Martin is everywhere on stage. In general you don't see such photos. Though that could be fun for you that haven't been on a live gig to see.
The playlist was the same as in Motala I believe. A good mix of songs that show how many hits they really have had. In Allehanda a local daily paper you could read about that. I will make a short translation later about the good words that the journalist wrote about BWO.
In all this was a lovely evening. BWO did have a signing after and the queue was long.
In all this Festival had a familybased audience. I think that also shows that BWO has fans in all ages.
Now if I should make some words about how I see BWO on stage.
Martin: energy, the voice, captivating.
Alexander: hitmaker,the soul of BWO, the fun on stage.
Marina: grace, happiness, the calm one.
Maybe that says something for everyone that can't be on a live gig.
Once again Martin, Alexander and Marina for a great gig and taking you time.
You are a great band !
Hope you enjoy the photos.
More about the concert during afternoon.
There will also be over 100 photos uploaded on the fanclubsite from Härnösand.
BWO at Härnösands City Festival
Tonight (25/7), Annelie, Ann-Sofie and I were in Härnösand to see BWO.
Later today you will be able read more about the concert. We were pleased with the concert and so was BWO !
And you will also find a lot of photos, probably today or latest Monday at the fanclub site.
Here is a photo !
Small interview with Martin
In the paper Allehanda you can read a smaller interview today with Martin that is about their gig tonight at Härnösand's city festival...and here is the translation:
"BWO is ready for the City Festival
They are ready for the weekend.When all the other artists made Härnösands city festival BWO will step out and top everything. The singer Martin Rolinski looks forward to that.
- We have had really good feedback north so I am not at all worried. Have the people with you that helps keep track of things you can in fact be ready four gigs a week. It is a pity is that it is not much time to stop and look around where you play.
In April, dropped the pop-trio the new album Big Science, which, at this stage in the band's career, have been met with expected success. First single "You're not alone" was voted up to the second chance in Melodifestivalen, and in summer, "Right here right now" moved into the lists in both the U.S. and Japan. And as a whole disc is like a love child. Rolinski reluctant to call it "the best we have done", but in the end find no other words.
- It is a very natural way for us to come right now, "he says. Compared with our earlier material is Big Science more real and complex - something we have longed after to do. We have always cared to write our own songs and so it is fun when you can take turns out like this.
Any holiday, they have barely had time for. Alexander Bard, bandets grundare, ägnar sin tid utanför BWO åt att skriva böcker, hålla föreläsningar och engagera sig politiskt. Alexander Bard, the band's founder, give his time outside the BWO to write books, give lectures and engage politically. Marina Schiptjenko runs a successful art gallery, and Martin himself combines the role of popsinger with a job as a product developer for TeliaSonera.
- Innovation is very important for us all three, and to have a breadth of what we do. Personally I love all types of communication and can express it through my two jobs. Vi har många bollar i luften alla tre, men det har gått att hantera bra. We have many balls in the air all three, but it has gone well to handle.
The peace mayb not be forever. Recently Martin and his wife revealed that they are expecting children before the end of the year. How it will affect the hectic life that Martin describes, he doesn't know, but it certainly will be some change he believe.
- It will be like entering a new phase. Life will certainly undergo changes, but in what way is probably up to itself. Anyway, it should be really exciting to be a father. I need someone to check my hyperactive side.
BWO play on the main stage on Saturday at 22:30."
PS. Martin sings "You're Not Alone" at this photo. That is magic !
Together again !
Yes, now the girls finally are back together after almost 4 months.
We just needed to meet and the laughs was still there.
Today we managed to go 3 girls and a wheelchair in a Volkswagen know like the car Herbie ! Or Käfer like the Germans says or Beetle like the Englishmen says.
So here the adventures begin AGAIN !!!
Got to loooove the trains...

Yes, I do some. Cause without them I wouldn't be able to go around Sweden on concerts.
Tomorrow morning early and bright I am heading north to Sundsvall to visit the sisters (Annelie and Ann-Sofie) that was together with me in Leksand during Melodifestivalen and also visited me in my hometown during Second chance.
Finally all 3 of us is together again !!
MISSION is NOT impossible, MISSION is going to Härnösand and watch BWO at Saturday.
Some friends of mine told me the weather wasn't the best in Helsingborg tonight, while seing BWO at RixFM Festival.
I hope they get better weather in Piteå tomorrow and of course at Saturday in Härnösand.
See you soon Alexander, Marina and Martin. Wish you a safe trip !
the great writer of all songs and more. I hope to hear Kings Of Tomorrow next time, you do that so great and that song is so uplifting. I am very found of the disco version.
BWO in action...
Today as it was with Mix Megapol BWO didn't do a full concert, but with the songs they had choosen I was very pleased.
They started out first with Right Here Right Now.
RHRN was not one of my favorites from start when Big Science came out. But RHRN is now to one of the songs I MUST hear every day.
RHRN makes you happy from toes to top of head. Can never bore me out.
As second they had choosen Rise To The Occasion, the Marina song as I call it.
When I heard RTTO in Motala I was happy, but today even more. I don't know what you guys have done that are different since Motala, but something was better.
The third song made the audience sing loud. Can you guess ? Yes, that was Lay Your Love On Me ! Will probably always be a number one hit.
As last out they played my favorit, You're Not Alone as a ballad.
I don't know what is up with this magic song..Alexander, Marina and Martin...I am sold ! This is the best song you have made ever.
I know many people I have talked to in different ages and all says the same..this song is growing and growing.
Thanks for letting me feel this magic. I know I have said this before..but I can go on forever !
In all to hear only 4 songs this was a nice time. My friend thought the same...and we had the best spot, of course in front of the stage !
BWO at Mix Megapol Tour in Örebro
The day started a bit weird here. After a time delay on the train, when changing train in Hallsberg, me and another girl got on wrong train and ended up in Motala instead of going to Örebro. So what to do in Motala if you need to wait an hour for going in right way back ? Well, we went to the harbour and took an icecream. The time delay ended with 3 hours late to Örebro ! Silly when they show you wrong train !
Mix Megapol is on tour to find a new male artist with local competitions all across Sweden.
Today the time had come to Örebro.
The competition in itself was rather rough for the competing people.
They have already called in once and sung a bit and been taken out for those competitions. There were guys from Mora, Stockholm and other places.
When they went on stage one by one they had NO music, just sang acapella.
A high quality of the competing guys and on the photo you see the winner this eve...don't ask me his name, but he will be up on Mix Megapol site (
The jury consisted of 3 people.
After that there were time for artists, first Kim from the project Made in Sweden and then an artist called Pauline (sorry to say this, but I thought she were someone local from Mix Megapol doing in between entertainment).
Then BWO......
New Poll: "The Name for the BWO FanClub!"

Today we start a new poll till end of july. We are on a small search for a fanclub name and we would ask you, how you prefer. Please vote and when you get more ideas you can send us always your ideas to
Thanks a lot
Summer moves on...

Wow, over a week since I wrote something here and sooo much is happening all the time. I don't know but with age seems that time passes by even quicker.
Wasn't the Summerholidays longer when we were kids ?
Well, you tell me !
On Thursday I will be in Örebro and go to Frimis to attend at Mix Megapol evening, where BWO is one of the performing artists.
I am grass widow and so is my wheeler(wheelchair) buddie this week, so we are planning on getting out this eve.
Of course I am going to take photos and make some kind of report from the eve.
Sometimes you wish you could take the whole stage wherever all fans is and just have the performance in the whole wide world at same time. Well, that's impossible, but a thought I wish could become true.
The Mix Megapol tour is a competition to find a new male artist and they search in several cities around Sweden and in every city some famous artists perform also.
The show with E-type was crowded and hot and like the Swedish program "Allsång på Skansen", when everyone sings together. I bet almost everyone in the audience was singing. There was also fireworks at the stage.
E-type did throw out the microphone now and then to the audience so they could sing.
A great end of a lovely Festival.
I will be back !
The last eve of Motalafestivalen
One the last eve of Motalafestivalen there was Måns Zelmerlöw and E-type.
When Måns performed there was a lot of teenager girls but also families.
Måns has grown in my ears and he always do a great show with his dancers.
I also had greetings to him from the rest of the world and got some minutes to talk with him. We had a big bunch of photografers around us...scarey.
A spectacular photo of Martin
First I want to show you one of the best photos that I have ever taken. Martin hit the right spot really when I took this photo.
About the concert...some thoughts
If you look close to the background of the scenery you can see that all great songs are like Chemistry in the Periodic system that the Russian chemist Mendeljeev and the German Mayer came up with 1869.
So all is like a closed circle, when you think of Big Science.
These are the songs they played with a break in middle..and of course Alexander ran in like a little curious kid on stage again when the audience shouted loud "we want more". Sorry Alexander that I say like that, but I felt so !
But I really like that. Refreshing.
So the list of the songs:
Burning down the house
Love Came Crashing Down
Give Me The Night
Kings Of Tomorrow discoversion
Let It Rain
Open Door
Rise To The Occasion
Sunshine In The Rain
Right Here Right Now
Temple Of Love
Lay Your Love On Me
You're Not Alone balladversion
I was amazed to hear Love Came Crashing Down. That is one of the most odd songs I have ever heard of BWO. But interesting. Took some time to listen to and become touched to. But can definately be a hit among the older fans I believe. A well worked song from the ground.
Give Me The Night has always been one of my favorites. I think that Martin great voice is used very well there. As I have told you before my family goes crazy on me when I sing the extrapart that Martin sings on concerts but not on cd and my son is always quick to tell me how wrong I am. Teenager boys !
To hear Kings Of Tomorrow live in discoversion and feel the power when Alexander does his part in the middle and then just everything explodes, that is mighty !
Felt like the whole stage was lifting.
Rise To The Occasion was one of my favorites from beginning when Big Science was released and so it is. I always think of that as Marina's song, that suits her so well in some way. I also like Martins voice especially much in some parts of this one.
Right Here Right Now has become very big in Sweden. Before the concert I was out in Motala and you could hear that one played both here and there. I assume many was preparing for the upcoming evening by listening. The audience was very ON when RHRN was up on stage.
To take all 3 songs from Melodifestivalen and in same year they have been up was a very nice way to end the eve.
So far I had only heard You're Not Alone live in discoversion after Melodifestivalen, and now the took the balladversion. For me You're Not Alone will always be the best song at Big Science. And of course as a ballad.
Maybe that has to do with all the wonderful times I had the opportunity to see them live in Melodifestivalen. That song has touched my heart forever.
All 3 really showed their feelings on stage when performing You're Not Alone. That was something...ohh wished you all had been there. I am very spoiled.
Next time for me to see BWO will be in Örebro the 16th while visiting a friend.
Thanks Alexander, Marina and Martin for a great concert...maybe the best one ever.
Remember to visit to see all photos from Motala.
Stay tuned for more...soon !
And today BWO was in Motala...
With a full concert. I will write more tomorrow morning about details, but just some photos until you can see all of them on BWO Fanclub Worldwide.
Alcazar first out
After a local competition (felt sorry for the competing ones as there was almost no audience) Alcazar was out one hour earlier then scheduled. I was just lucky to be around the corner eating. First thought they were just having repetition, but nono, so missed 2 songs. But there were more and they did a spectacular show with 3 changes of clothes. They were having 2 other gigs same eve in other cities.
After that there were 3 girls, I didn't even recall their name..they couldn't poor ears.
Melody Club that has been on the lists a lot latest years and also played in Sommarkrysset at same time as BWO was on stage after the 3 girls.
They haven't been any of my biggest favorites, but I must admit seing them live is very special.
Last on stage was H.E.A.T. So there were 2 artists from Melodifestivalen final at same eve. H.E.A.T is a great soft hard rock band. Sometimes they remind me of Europe, but I actually think H.E.A.T is a bit better. Maybe that has to do with the influences from what year the bands are from. Hardrock today is different and in my opinion sometimes better now.
Today I am off for the beach and tonight BWO is on stage. Looking forward to that !
First eve of Motalafestivalen
Yesterday I arrived to Motala in the afternoon. The weather has been amazing.
Clouds came up and looked first like some thunder but nothing came. Is lovely those eves you can be out in shorts and t-shirt only.
The Festival is held in the harbour and here is the view you can see from the area.
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