Today as it was with Mix Megapol BWO didn't do a full concert, but with the songs they had choosen I was very pleased.
They started out first with Right Here Right Now.
RHRN was not one of my favorites from start when Big Science came out. But RHRN is now to one of the songs I MUST hear every day.
RHRN makes you happy from toes to top of head. Can never bore me out.
As second they had choosen Rise To The Occasion, the Marina song as I call it.
When I heard RTTO in Motala I was happy, but today even more. I don't know what you guys have done that are different since Motala, but something was better.
The third song made the audience sing loud. Can you guess ? Yes, that was Lay Your Love On Me ! Will probably always be a number one hit.
As last out they played my favorit, You're Not Alone as a ballad.
I don't know what is up with this magic song..Alexander, Marina and Martin...I am sold ! This is the best song you have made ever.
I know many people I have talked to in different ages and all says the same..this song is growing and growing.
Thanks for letting me feel this magic. I know I have said this before..but I can go on forever !
In all to hear only 4 songs this was a nice time. My friend thought the same...and we had the best spot, of course in front of the stage !
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