
Gravitonas is here.......

Yes, finally we have gotten to both see and hear Alexander's new project Gravitonas.
"Kites" the first single is released as video today at Aftonbladet and you can also buy the single and all remixes on I-tunes.
Together with Andreas Öhrn, Alexander has created something different and something new. The last years the music business in the world has to a lot been the same, often when you hear something, then you hear a tune of something else. To tell the truth that is very boring.
"Kites" involves a test of something new. That is what I like with Alexander, he follows his talent in music and is always up to date doing something that not is heard before. That is my impression. I love the use of the guitars.
"Kites" is made in a way that you don't know for sure what is coming as next part. A good example is the strong part at 2.20.
Now time to go through all remixes !
And here you find the video...

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