I was happy to see Page album "NU"(NOW) in my mailbox when I got home today.
After getting it into the stereo, wow I was back to being a teenager. I was back on all small clubs jumping around like crazy to a catchy electronic sound with amazing lyrics that are put together to be just remembered and sung by everyone fitted in dresses that just synthpoppers would use.
What I do remember about all those gigs is that everyone always looked so proper.
I don't know, but I believe some of those years formed me into what I became.
Among my friends I was the only one that was into this electronic "weird" music, that they didn't understand. But though they loved to follow me out on the clubs to see all bands. I think it must have to do with the special feeling you only can get on a night out on a club like this.
And I do recognize Page ! It is like going back to the beginning.
My favorit number 1 on the album is "INTE HÄR"(NOT HERE). The style of music feels though it's electronic music very soft and round and cozy.
In "TAR MIN ROCK OCH GÅR" the lyrics are amazing. Though they are short, they tell a story. Here in English( be aware LOL):
From you
Shot over the head of me
Tiny words
Looked me around
But I didn't understand a thing
Then it becomes cold
Your look says it all
Believe you understand
I take my coat and walk
A sigh
From you
Shot over the head of me
A glance
Looked me around
But I didn't understand a thing
Then it becomes cold
Your look says it all
Believe you understand
I take my coat and walk"
I think it's very brave of Marina and Eddie to come back after those 10 years and make a come back. For me this is going back to the "real" music that started the electronic era in music. For new bands coming up in the elctronic music listening to Page is a must. To have the basics, to now what formed the music we have today.
Marina and Eddie, I love what I hear and I hope this will be a start all over again among many bands like your band ! I hope you will lead them all.
Well I know you will. Hope to see you on stage VERY SOON !
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