If you go to the link
you can hear a short sample of new music by Page.
The song is called "Hon tog mig med storm"(jag trodde inte det var sant).
In English " She took me by storm"( I didn't believe it was true).
Just press the play button in the mediaplayer !
Like Page call it, it's a "BEFOREPRODUCTION-TOTALCRASCHBOOM-DEMO" recorded at home,with low song and strange levels. But a taste of how Page will sound in the future. ENJOY !
Marina on stage at electriXmas !

Page will be on stage at electriXmas in Malmö the 18th of December.
Think to go see them right before Christmas together with some other electric bands?
What a Christmas gift !
Here is the link for some more info
Alexander and Andreas on stage !

Yes, finally ! Gravitonas will be on stage the 28th of October on a party in Stockholm.
A new videorelease will happen at same time.
I'm so excited over this. We have seen Gravitonas grow piece by piece and I must say it's an unusual way to present a new band, but also so interesting.
Many have been waiting to get the chance to see them. I'm sure this will be a very happy and lovely evening. Maybe, maybe I will be there.......... .
Alexander is ready for Melodifestivalen 2011 !
SVT revealed the 4 first contributions for Melodifestivalen 2011 today.
One of them is written by Alexander together with Tim Norell and Ola Håkansson.
The song is called "En blick och nåt händer" and will be performed by the group Lasse Stefanz.
Norell Oson Bard wrote a lot of pop- and discohits together in late 80ies and in beginning of the 90ies.
Together they wrote "En dag" that Tommy Nilsson performed in Melodifestivalen 1989.
He won and came on 4th place in the Eurovision Song Contest.
Lasse Stefanz that will be performing the contribution is a band that has been playing together since 1967. They are wellknown as a countryinfluenced danceband.
We wish Alexander, his cowriters and Lasse Stefanz good luck !
One of them is written by Alexander together with Tim Norell and Ola Håkansson.
The song is called "En blick och nåt händer" and will be performed by the group Lasse Stefanz.
Norell Oson Bard wrote a lot of pop- and discohits together in late 80ies and in beginning of the 90ies.
Together they wrote "En dag" that Tommy Nilsson performed in Melodifestivalen 1989.
He won and came on 4th place in the Eurovision Song Contest.
Lasse Stefanz that will be performing the contribution is a band that has been playing together since 1967. They are wellknown as a countryinfluenced danceband.
We wish Alexander, his cowriters and Lasse Stefanz good luck !
Today we in Sweden have election day. But you can also vote....for Gravitonas and "Religious" at Mix Topp 20 !
So come on and make this to a more then beautiful Sunday. The sun is shining right where I am in middle of Sweden today, but you can make the sun shine even more.
Here is the link and you know how to do:
So come on and make this to a more then beautiful Sunday. The sun is shining right where I am in middle of Sweden today, but you can make the sun shine even more.
Here is the link and you know how to do:
Gravitonas "The Hypnosis EP" out today !
4 new tracks and a new era in the musicworld of Mr Bard !
I adore the strong guitars. Can't reccon that I have ever heard the use of guitars in this way. I remember when Alexander wrote some day at Facebook about the hard work with getting the guitars right. And now when I hear this masterpiece, I am thinking that he is totally right ! But you made it Alexander.
Together with Andreas voice the first track "Religious" is already a hit. I wouldn't be surprised if "Religious" will be played at radio still 10 years from now. You know these songs that is forever on radio and noone ever get tired of them.
The choirs in "Religious" builts up the song so you feel to be in ecstasy in the end.
Number 2 "Realm of The Senses" is very catchy. It's about the world of Senses. Even if love is there or has left you still are in the "Realm of The Senses". You also get to hear a soft whispering in the middle. Andreas singing in this song is also different then "Kites" and "Religious". He is singing more free right out.
"Shameless" number three and I am trying to find each other. I think this is a song that needs to get more listening. It's not at all bad, but I miss something special in there.
In the last one "Live Wire" I can see Andreas leaning out over the audience singing in a foggy weather. It's mystery, but it's about life.
I do love when the more sort of robotvoice is coming in the refrain.
Very different song, but someone I would love to see live, it's sort of meant to be for that.
That is my words after listening to this new EP the last week.
What is also special is that all songs can be played in very different occasions. So I am looking forward to the album.
Well done guys !
I adore the strong guitars. Can't reccon that I have ever heard the use of guitars in this way. I remember when Alexander wrote some day at Facebook about the hard work with getting the guitars right. And now when I hear this masterpiece, I am thinking that he is totally right ! But you made it Alexander.
Together with Andreas voice the first track "Religious" is already a hit. I wouldn't be surprised if "Religious" will be played at radio still 10 years from now. You know these songs that is forever on radio and noone ever get tired of them.
The choirs in "Religious" builts up the song so you feel to be in ecstasy in the end.
Number 2 "Realm of The Senses" is very catchy. It's about the world of Senses. Even if love is there or has left you still are in the "Realm of The Senses". You also get to hear a soft whispering in the middle. Andreas singing in this song is also different then "Kites" and "Religious". He is singing more free right out.
"Shameless" number three and I am trying to find each other. I think this is a song that needs to get more listening. It's not at all bad, but I miss something special in there.
In the last one "Live Wire" I can see Andreas leaning out over the audience singing in a foggy weather. It's mystery, but it's about life.
I do love when the more sort of robotvoice is coming in the refrain.
Very different song, but someone I would love to see live, it's sort of meant to be for that.
That is my words after listening to this new EP the last week.
What is also special is that all songs can be played in very different occasions. So I am looking forward to the album.
Well done guys !
Arvikafestivalen and interview with Marina !

This Saturday Marina and Eddie performed with Page at Arvikafestivalen.
Unfortunately I couldn't go there, but Johan Wejedal was kind enough to send photo from there (that is the photo you see here !).
But a while ago I had the opportunity to ask some questions to the Marina. Here they are ! Thanks Marina !
What is the difference in making synth music now on, 20 years ago? You don't screw together the sounds manually anymore!
Are you more inspired after so many years in music than in the beginning? Definitely more now. With more experience, more enthusiasm.
Do you have the same role models in music today as when you started? Any Swedish/ foreign model. I do not think I have so many role models anymore. I first look at other artists, such as Goldfrapp and Florence & the Machine, for example, but it is more to see how they act individually as artists, how their attitude is. I have no Swedish model, feel quite odd here. When I was young there was the strong women who were my role models, such as Ellen Ripley in Alien.
Among the musical genres that exist, how come that it was the electronic music? I really do not know. I only know that when I heard Gary Numan for the first time it happened something in me. Perhaps the electronic sounds represented something new and alternative.
What does the music for you? Emotions and memories and love.
What started Page? Eddie and I met and got together 1980th We bought two synthesizers and started a band. All played in bands at the time, almost.
Has comeback been in mind long? No, the idea came spontaneously when BWO decided to pause.
What is the ultimate synth pop song? Good song with good sound.
What is your favorite song on the new album NU ? Du är inte här and Du är min drog.
Postkodkampen with Martin

A long time since I wrote, but I haven't forgotten about BWO or about Alexander, Martin and Marina.
Here is some news about a program that Martin will participate in:
This summer TV4 and PostkodLotteriet invite to the water entertainment Postkodkampen. Eight Swedish cities are challenging each other in daring and wet races. The programleader is Richard Sjöberg, which is assisted by Kim Kärnfalk and Sandra Dahlberg to support the teams when they put themselves through obstacle courses and games in a water basin. Each city is represented by a team consisting of five persons with a known team leader who offer themselves and fight for his place as Sweden's most daring city will be crowned. Flounders, cold drams, bail and drama is to be expected. In cooperation with Fyrishov, Uppsala.
Cities that meet in the first four programs is:
9 juli Göteborg (Martin Rolinski) - Malmö (Frida Appelgren)
16 juli Gävle (Fredrik Swahn) - Halmstad (Susanne Ljungskog)
23 juli Umeå (Jan Bylund) - Östersund (Anna Ottosson)
6 augusti Uppsala (Pär Holmgren) - Örebro (Gladys Del Pilar)
Page album "NU"

I was happy to see Page album "NU"(NOW) in my mailbox when I got home today.
After getting it into the stereo, wow I was back to being a teenager. I was back on all small clubs jumping around like crazy to a catchy electronic sound with amazing lyrics that are put together to be just remembered and sung by everyone fitted in dresses that just synthpoppers would use.
What I do remember about all those gigs is that everyone always looked so proper.
I don't know, but I believe some of those years formed me into what I became.
Among my friends I was the only one that was into this electronic "weird" music, that they didn't understand. But though they loved to follow me out on the clubs to see all bands. I think it must have to do with the special feeling you only can get on a night out on a club like this.
And I do recognize Page ! It is like going back to the beginning.
My favorit number 1 on the album is "INTE HÄR"(NOT HERE). The style of music feels though it's electronic music very soft and round and cozy.
In "TAR MIN ROCK OCH GÅR" the lyrics are amazing. Though they are short, they tell a story. Here in English( be aware LOL):
From you
Shot over the head of me
Tiny words
Looked me around
But I didn't understand a thing
Then it becomes cold
Your look says it all
Believe you understand
I take my coat and walk
A sigh
From you
Shot over the head of me
A glance
Looked me around
But I didn't understand a thing
Then it becomes cold
Your look says it all
Believe you understand
I take my coat and walk"
I think it's very brave of Marina and Eddie to come back after those 10 years and make a come back. For me this is going back to the "real" music that started the electronic era in music. For new bands coming up in the elctronic music listening to Page is a must. To have the basics, to now what formed the music we have today.
Marina and Eddie, I love what I hear and I hope this will be a start all over again among many bands like your band ! I hope you will lead them all.
Well I know you will. Hope to see you on stage VERY SOON !
Interview with Page at TV4 Nyhetsmorgon translated
Here is the link to the interview:
and here you have an English translation:
-We get fine company in the kitchen.
-Hi and welcome !
-Welcome here Page. Marina and Eddie. How lovely to see you like this together again.
-New cd and reunion. How does that feel ?
Marina: It's really really fun. It feels like to going back to the roots I think.
-Synthduo or synthband ?
Marina: Popband is more suitable even if we are electronic.
- It was like when I tolaked with Eddie before that Page will be here...many just take a breathe and say so they are back. It's an incredible cult.
Eddie: You can say that we are a cultband.
Marina: We have been away for a while.
-How long have you been away ?
Marina: We started around 1980 and then we moved on in the 80ies and beginning of 90ies
with a lot of old stuff. But it feels a bit like time has caught us.
Eddie: So this year we celebrate 30 years as a band and 10 years since we stopped.
-So you haven't played...
Eddie. Not for 10 years.
-But why made you decide now we are going to do it again...now we make a new record again.
Marina: BWO takes, that I also play with...we have a sabbatical year for undecided time. And Eddie and I have had contact all the time. It only felt that this was the right time to do this.
We are so proud of Page. And so we also said that we don't want to release any old material.
I called Eddie and we wrote some songs together.
Eddie: It became so
Marina: Yes
Eddie: And if we ever should do this it was right now. Next year it is too late.
-Are we going to recognize the synthmusic and so on ?
Marina: You will recognize Page. But I don't think we sound like typical synthpop. We usually say that we play electronic pop.
-How has that one been developed, when you think that everyone can sit with their laptop and think they are Max Martin nowadays ?
Eddie: Before it was a very small changer. But now is everything almost electronic.
Marina: I mean time has caught us. In the beginning when we played it was very exotic with the instrument synth. But now anyone have that. But we stick to a very simple formula.
The primary formula still. Basic
and here you have an English translation:
-We get fine company in the kitchen.
-Hi and welcome !
-Welcome here Page. Marina and Eddie. How lovely to see you like this together again.
-New cd and reunion. How does that feel ?
Marina: It's really really fun. It feels like to going back to the roots I think.
-Synthduo or synthband ?
Marina: Popband is more suitable even if we are electronic.
- It was like when I tolaked with Eddie before that Page will be here...many just take a breathe and say so they are back. It's an incredible cult.
Eddie: You can say that we are a cultband.
Marina: We have been away for a while.
-How long have you been away ?
Marina: We started around 1980 and then we moved on in the 80ies and beginning of 90ies
with a lot of old stuff. But it feels a bit like time has caught us.
Eddie: So this year we celebrate 30 years as a band and 10 years since we stopped.
-So you haven't played...
Eddie. Not for 10 years.
-But why made you decide now we are going to do it again...now we make a new record again.
Marina: BWO takes, that I also play with...we have a sabbatical year for undecided time. And Eddie and I have had contact all the time. It only felt that this was the right time to do this.
We are so proud of Page. And so we also said that we don't want to release any old material.
I called Eddie and we wrote some songs together.
Eddie: It became so
Marina: Yes
Eddie: And if we ever should do this it was right now. Next year it is too late.
-Are we going to recognize the synthmusic and so on ?
Marina: You will recognize Page. But I don't think we sound like typical synthpop. We usually say that we play electronic pop.
-How has that one been developed, when you think that everyone can sit with their laptop and think they are Max Martin nowadays ?
Eddie: Before it was a very small changer. But now is everything almost electronic.
Marina: I mean time has caught us. In the beginning when we played it was very exotic with the instrument synth. But now anyone have that. But we stick to a very simple formula.
The primary formula still. Basic
Page with Marina and Eddie !
Yes, today they were live at TV4 Nyhetsmorgon.
They made a smaller interview and played 2 songs.
First out was the brandnew single "Ett S.O.S." and then we got to hear
"Kom så andas vi".
Now you can see this on the web. Here are the links:
"Ett S.O.S."
"Kom så andas vi"
And tomorrow the album "NU" is released !
They made a smaller interview and played 2 songs.
First out was the brandnew single "Ett S.O.S." and then we got to hear
"Kom så andas vi".
Now you can see this on the web. Here are the links:
"Ett S.O.S."
"Kom så andas vi"
And tomorrow the album "NU" is released !
Mix Topp 20
This week results:
Now they need YOUR help to climb. Make your vote !
All you need to fill in is name(namn) and e-mail(e-post).
And of course artist & song(artist & låt).
That's all !
Here's the link:
Now they need YOUR help to climb. Make your vote !
All you need to fill in is name(namn) and e-mail(e-post).
And of course artist & song(artist & låt).
That's all !
Here's the link:
Page on TV4
When Page will release their new album Marina and Eddie will do that by style by showing up in Nyhetsmorgon at TV4 on Tuesday the 25th of May. One week from now.
Looking forward to that !
You will be able to see that on internet later.( a link will come up)
I am sorry that you haven't gotten any translation to English from the interview in Gothenburg yet. SHAME on me ! I need a kick in the butt !
Now done !
So tomorrow there will be one...100% !
Looking forward to that !
You will be able to see that on internet later.( a link will come up)
I am sorry that you haven't gotten any translation to English from the interview in Gothenburg yet. SHAME on me ! I need a kick in the butt !
Now done !
So tomorrow there will be one...100% !
Interview with Marina and Eddie....PAGE !
Zero TV made an interview with Marina and Eddie right before they entered the stage in Gothenburg Saturday Eve.
Here is the link:
Some words in English about the interview will come tomorrow.
Today is the release of the single Ett S.O.S. !
Here is the link:
Some words in English about the interview will come tomorrow.
Today is the release of the single Ett S.O.S. !
A little about Marina and a little about Alexander
If you are from Sweden you can now preorder Page album "Nu" at Bengans.
The release date is as we all know 26th of May. What a glorious day !
Also join the Page Facebooksite and support Marina and Eddie.
Alexander and Andreas-Gravitonas will be at Mix Megapol Monday morning in the program "Äntligen morgon" You can hear them on web radio.
Last chance today also to vote on Kites at Mix Megapol (Mix Topp 20). Make a vote, make Kites heard !
The release date is as we all know 26th of May. What a glorious day !
Also join the Page Facebooksite and support Marina and Eddie.
Alexander and Andreas-Gravitonas will be at Mix Megapol Monday morning in the program "Äntligen morgon" You can hear them on web radio.
Last chance today also to vote on Kites at Mix Megapol (Mix Topp 20). Make a vote, make Kites heard !
Translation of Gravitonas at Förkväll TV4
Here you have an English translation from the program Förkväll 28/4 at TV4
( http://www.tv4play.se/noje_och_humor/forkvall?videoId=1.1616767 )
when Andreas and Alexander talked about Gravitonas:
(A is Alexander)
-What has happened with BWO Alexander ?
A:-BWO has taken a break, like you say. Martin Rolinski had the idea of having family and kids and so on, but it doesn't stop me from working. So I started to write together with a guy named Henke Wikström last Summer. And then we started to search for a singer to work with.
And the good thing with Andreas was the he write and produce himself.
We met one morning, started to work before lunchtime and by lunch the band was formed.
-That went fast.
A:- Sometimes all is so obvious in what you are going to do.
-But Alexander before you discovered Martin Rolinski you looked at a lot of guys. At least 35 to find him. And now you have found a new hunk ?
A.- Yes(laughing), I think so myself.
-How did you get in touch ?
A:- Actually it was our record company. We have the same record company and they made the proposal that we should meet. They had just signed Andreas and thought he would be one of the big stars.
Andreas:-The called me and asked, could you consider to try out for Alexander's new project. And before I had answered Alexander took the phone and said, Hi you wanna eat breakfast ?
We had breakfast and then to the studio.
A:- We had written several songs that Andreas sung amazing and I was really touched first time I heard him and just wanted us to work together. But what was so cool with Andreas was when we same afternoon went to his studio and he played four of his songs that knocked me out. And then we have written the whole disc together very fast for less then a year are we already done. The album will be here to Autumn, but this is the first single.
-Andreas what have you done before ? We need to know more about you.
Andreas:- Before I have been in different projects and bands, mainly in a punkband.
-So you are a musician straight through ?
A:-He had his first listhit(1) in Japan last Autumn as a songwriter. Without my interference.
Andreas:- With a more dramatic band, but a totally different musicstyle. Then we met and everything went perfect.
A:- I think we have that in common, we have a passionation for music. But we also like theatre. And that is the side...we rather call Gravitonas for a project cause it will be more theatrically then most rockbands are.
- But why are you called Gravitonas ?
A:- You need a great name. And I heard this word and thought it was neat and Andreas also likes it. Then we googled it and it showed that Gravitonas is the Lithinuanian word for the smallest particle in Universe. And the advantage with an obscure word is if you look at Google there are only four hits. And then we thought why not call ourselves Gravitonas, cause then all hits will be about us. Now there is like 5996 hits on us and 4 on the other.
-That is really cool, but it sounds a bit like you are an art project ?
A:- Yes. you can say so.
-You are performance.
A:- Yes, we have nothing against being called a project. Normally when a band is called a project then it's often negative " But we are a band and we play together". But this is born in the studio and it is a project and we like that it is a project and it should be a project.
VIDEO is showed.
- A great song. Makes me happy.
-But all you touch become gold, isn't it so ?
A:- I do hope so. I don't think I've ever been so passionated for anything before. It's funniest ever with music. I love all the new that happens with Spotify. We were very anxious about this with the record company that all should be available TODAY. On all places today at the web you should be able to listen to Gravitonas, it should just be there.
- But this is different then other artists cause they don't like Spotify ?
A:- Yes, but I think it's great. I love it myself. Have everything available, have it on the cellphone,have it on the computer. Give friends tips. Make playlists.
We make playlists on our website with other artist's music that we like. We want to interract with our fans in a way that bands normally don't do.
- Cool. But why do you think so ?
A.- It's new. It's exciting that happens in the music industry. It has been very depressing the last 10 years with filesharing and so on that has made that artists have got lesser and lesser to use. This with Spotify is so exciting for us artists cause it is beginning to bring in money in the bransch again. We have 14 remixes out on this song already today. From day one.
And that was inconceviable just one year ago.
-But you are behind Army of Lovers, BWO, Alcazar. Why does everything you do turn out so well ? Why do you have success ?
A:- I work with great people. That is the truth. It is called outsourcing when you work in the business life. For me is it natural to work with great people. You are not better then the ones you work with, so it is.
I got touched the first time I heard Andreas singing and wanted to work with him. When he then wanted to work with me it was crystal clear.
-Which of your songs have you made most money out of ?
A.- That is hard to tell. I have had a couple of worldhits that has been number one in 30 countries but its' surely some song that I have written to someone in Japan that has brought most money in.For BWO it is Sunshine in the rain. But that wasn't our version. It was a Chinese cover version. It was first in China for 3 months or something.
- Let's see if you get some Chinese version.
A:- That shouldn't be wrong.
-Andreas with did you know about Alexander before you met ?
Andreas:- Not that much. I knew him of course but I didn't know so much about his personality. I knew what songs he had done. But all went very fast, just one breakfast.
-How is it to work together with Alexander ?
Andreas:- It's very instructive and fun cause we both have job Damp. We will both make things very fast but with quality so it goes fast when we work. But it feels like flow all time.
- And you work all night long if necessery ?
A:- Yes we are mixing and mixing again until all is done. It should be perfect before so we are satisfied both of us.
-You are a lot alike then ?
Andreas:- Yes or it wouldn't be working.
A:- I'm not so used to haul projects, but with Andreas we really share.It's rather so I wonder what he needed me for.
-Who has the final cut ?
A:- We think the same. We were mixing some song in the studio yesterday and it was like now is all right. Now it's four magic minutes. Now is beginning to end right and we both agreed.
Like it should be in a great band.You should have same musictaste and same vision.
-But Alexander you have the rumour of being very smart. Do you find yourself smart ?
A:- What do you think about that(asking Andreas) ? You knock me out very often.
Andreas:- I find him very smart. But mainly very interesing. But if that is cause he is smart or not I don't know. But very interesting and funny.
-Is it right that you learnt the Swedish postnumber catalogue when you were 6, Alexander ?
A:- Actually I did. I was very bored. We didn't have internet then so I learnt the postnumber catalogue instead.
- But that is really fantastic.
A:- If I had been 6 years today I had been sitting by the computers all day long and just sucked all in. Cause I love information and knowledge. I am cruel at Suedeco.
-But I have to ask. Sometimes you wear shorts.But now you are all black.
A:- Now it's gone. Gravitonas and BWO must look different. And I like the black side you can see in the video. The melancholy we have in the songs with Gravitonas. It's exciting. Now I can bring forward the guy in me that has been a fan to Kent and Depeche Mode for all years. Now I can bring out that side. Even if this is our own thing with Gravitonas. You will be hearing that inspiration in Gravitonas.
-You are influenced by Depeche Mode ?
A.- I think so. It's very visible.That type of melancholy that is between pop and rock that uses both guitars and electronic you will find in Gravitonas very clearly.
-How does it feel to wear pants again ?.
A.- It's a bit sticky. I have still handsome legs under. Shorts with socks that was my thing has become very hip. I love fashion. And I saw in all fashionblogs this Winter that the exhibitions in Paris had lots of guys on the catwalks coming in socks and shorts. And I was thinking now is my look hip, now I have to stop with it. Next Summer you are going to see guys in shorts and socks, that will be hip.
- But what about your beard ? It's your signum your beard.(talking to Alexander)
There are rumours that you needed to get a beard now when you created the group.(talking to Andreas)
Andreas.- I didn't have to. But we sat one day working and it became very silent and Alexander said, have you tried beard sometime ? I don't think so. Alexander said, can't you let it grow for a month ? Then we take the video and the photos.
-You both look great. Good luck with Gravitonas !
( http://www.tv4play.se/noje_och_humor/forkvall?videoId=1.1616767 )
when Andreas and Alexander talked about Gravitonas:
(A is Alexander)
-What has happened with BWO Alexander ?
A:-BWO has taken a break, like you say. Martin Rolinski had the idea of having family and kids and so on, but it doesn't stop me from working. So I started to write together with a guy named Henke Wikström last Summer. And then we started to search for a singer to work with.
And the good thing with Andreas was the he write and produce himself.
We met one morning, started to work before lunchtime and by lunch the band was formed.
-That went fast.
A:- Sometimes all is so obvious in what you are going to do.
-But Alexander before you discovered Martin Rolinski you looked at a lot of guys. At least 35 to find him. And now you have found a new hunk ?
A.- Yes(laughing), I think so myself.
-How did you get in touch ?
A:- Actually it was our record company. We have the same record company and they made the proposal that we should meet. They had just signed Andreas and thought he would be one of the big stars.
Andreas:-The called me and asked, could you consider to try out for Alexander's new project. And before I had answered Alexander took the phone and said, Hi you wanna eat breakfast ?
We had breakfast and then to the studio.
A:- We had written several songs that Andreas sung amazing and I was really touched first time I heard him and just wanted us to work together. But what was so cool with Andreas was when we same afternoon went to his studio and he played four of his songs that knocked me out. And then we have written the whole disc together very fast for less then a year are we already done. The album will be here to Autumn, but this is the first single.
-Andreas what have you done before ? We need to know more about you.
Andreas:- Before I have been in different projects and bands, mainly in a punkband.
-So you are a musician straight through ?
A:-He had his first listhit(1) in Japan last Autumn as a songwriter. Without my interference.
Andreas:- With a more dramatic band, but a totally different musicstyle. Then we met and everything went perfect.
A:- I think we have that in common, we have a passionation for music. But we also like theatre. And that is the side...we rather call Gravitonas for a project cause it will be more theatrically then most rockbands are.
- But why are you called Gravitonas ?
A:- You need a great name. And I heard this word and thought it was neat and Andreas also likes it. Then we googled it and it showed that Gravitonas is the Lithinuanian word for the smallest particle in Universe. And the advantage with an obscure word is if you look at Google there are only four hits. And then we thought why not call ourselves Gravitonas, cause then all hits will be about us. Now there is like 5996 hits on us and 4 on the other.
-That is really cool, but it sounds a bit like you are an art project ?
A:- Yes. you can say so.
-You are performance.
A:- Yes, we have nothing against being called a project. Normally when a band is called a project then it's often negative " But we are a band and we play together". But this is born in the studio and it is a project and we like that it is a project and it should be a project.
VIDEO is showed.
- A great song. Makes me happy.
-But all you touch become gold, isn't it so ?
A:- I do hope so. I don't think I've ever been so passionated for anything before. It's funniest ever with music. I love all the new that happens with Spotify. We were very anxious about this with the record company that all should be available TODAY. On all places today at the web you should be able to listen to Gravitonas, it should just be there.
- But this is different then other artists cause they don't like Spotify ?
A:- Yes, but I think it's great. I love it myself. Have everything available, have it on the cellphone,have it on the computer. Give friends tips. Make playlists.
We make playlists on our website with other artist's music that we like. We want to interract with our fans in a way that bands normally don't do.
- Cool. But why do you think so ?
A.- It's new. It's exciting that happens in the music industry. It has been very depressing the last 10 years with filesharing and so on that has made that artists have got lesser and lesser to use. This with Spotify is so exciting for us artists cause it is beginning to bring in money in the bransch again. We have 14 remixes out on this song already today. From day one.
And that was inconceviable just one year ago.
-But you are behind Army of Lovers, BWO, Alcazar. Why does everything you do turn out so well ? Why do you have success ?
A:- I work with great people. That is the truth. It is called outsourcing when you work in the business life. For me is it natural to work with great people. You are not better then the ones you work with, so it is.
I got touched the first time I heard Andreas singing and wanted to work with him. When he then wanted to work with me it was crystal clear.
-Which of your songs have you made most money out of ?
A.- That is hard to tell. I have had a couple of worldhits that has been number one in 30 countries but its' surely some song that I have written to someone in Japan that has brought most money in.For BWO it is Sunshine in the rain. But that wasn't our version. It was a Chinese cover version. It was first in China for 3 months or something.
- Let's see if you get some Chinese version.
A:- That shouldn't be wrong.
-Andreas with did you know about Alexander before you met ?
Andreas:- Not that much. I knew him of course but I didn't know so much about his personality. I knew what songs he had done. But all went very fast, just one breakfast.
-How is it to work together with Alexander ?
Andreas:- It's very instructive and fun cause we both have job Damp. We will both make things very fast but with quality so it goes fast when we work. But it feels like flow all time.
- And you work all night long if necessery ?
A:- Yes we are mixing and mixing again until all is done. It should be perfect before so we are satisfied both of us.
-You are a lot alike then ?
Andreas:- Yes or it wouldn't be working.
A:- I'm not so used to haul projects, but with Andreas we really share.It's rather so I wonder what he needed me for.
-Who has the final cut ?
A:- We think the same. We were mixing some song in the studio yesterday and it was like now is all right. Now it's four magic minutes. Now is beginning to end right and we both agreed.
Like it should be in a great band.You should have same musictaste and same vision.
-But Alexander you have the rumour of being very smart. Do you find yourself smart ?
A:- What do you think about that(asking Andreas) ? You knock me out very often.
Andreas:- I find him very smart. But mainly very interesing. But if that is cause he is smart or not I don't know. But very interesting and funny.
-Is it right that you learnt the Swedish postnumber catalogue when you were 6, Alexander ?
A:- Actually I did. I was very bored. We didn't have internet then so I learnt the postnumber catalogue instead.
- But that is really fantastic.
A:- If I had been 6 years today I had been sitting by the computers all day long and just sucked all in. Cause I love information and knowledge. I am cruel at Suedeco.
-But I have to ask. Sometimes you wear shorts.But now you are all black.
A:- Now it's gone. Gravitonas and BWO must look different. And I like the black side you can see in the video. The melancholy we have in the songs with Gravitonas. It's exciting. Now I can bring forward the guy in me that has been a fan to Kent and Depeche Mode for all years. Now I can bring out that side. Even if this is our own thing with Gravitonas. You will be hearing that inspiration in Gravitonas.
-You are influenced by Depeche Mode ?
A.- I think so. It's very visible.That type of melancholy that is between pop and rock that uses both guitars and electronic you will find in Gravitonas very clearly.
-How does it feel to wear pants again ?.
A.- It's a bit sticky. I have still handsome legs under. Shorts with socks that was my thing has become very hip. I love fashion. And I saw in all fashionblogs this Winter that the exhibitions in Paris had lots of guys on the catwalks coming in socks and shorts. And I was thinking now is my look hip, now I have to stop with it. Next Summer you are going to see guys in shorts and socks, that will be hip.
- But what about your beard ? It's your signum your beard.(talking to Alexander)
There are rumours that you needed to get a beard now when you created the group.(talking to Andreas)
Andreas.- I didn't have to. But we sat one day working and it became very silent and Alexander said, have you tried beard sometime ? I don't think so. Alexander said, can't you let it grow for a month ? Then we take the video and the photos.
-You both look great. Good luck with Gravitonas !
Alexander skip his shorts.....
and move on in fashion with Gravitonas.
You find the interview here:
and here is the translation:
Called, at the seams: Alexander Bard
The man with the moustache has BWO on the famous ice and launches his latest musical project today. Before that, he took time, however, to be called from the outside in, and deliver the wisdom - and oneliners! - On a long, long list.
What are you doing right now?
- Mixes Gravitonas debut album coming out this fall.
Describe your fashion style in three words.
- Ingenious, obstinate and uncompromising.
What is your biggest fashion madness?
- The large and small heads is man's most important body parts. So, never fribble on the hats and shorts!
When you most ashamed of your vanity?
- Never. Narcissism is a necessity for success both as a musician and writer and shame are not at all my thing.
Where is your favorite clothes?
- Tokyo, by far - the city is best for any type of shopping.
Which shop you can not put your foot in?
- Chain stores and other shops with a trademark, where every store is identical to the next. If I do not want to look like anyone, why should I go shopping in a store that is completely impersonal?
What are you most pleased with about your appearance?
- The character. You can set me among a hundred faces and I'm still the one you remember. Do not forget that beauty is not very important in itself - respect is both more important and more sexually viable.
If you were a garment, which would you be?
- Pants. And now that everyone else has bought shorts with long socks (Dries van Noten 2010, hello?) I skip the shorts of course. It is time for men to wear black and Japanese again - surf clothing is stone dead.
What is your favorite accessory?
- Wallet.
When did you last feel wrong dressed ?
- I dress intentionally wrong every day. The vagabondlook is excellent in everyday life, because it is so aggressive that it keeps unwanted people away and is also sexy inviting. Who does not want to sleep with a guy who walks into the 7Eleven in underwear and fucktousle ?
Which fashion express rip you most?
- Quality is never out of fashion.
Name a movie that changed your life.
Visually? Mishima, of course - Japanese style orgy of Westerners. David Lynch's films are also very right again 2010.
What is the best book you've read?
- Friedrich Nietzsche's Den glada vetenskapen. Nietzsche was not only the smartest motherfucker who survived - just like all smart men, he was also a style icon.
Name a concert that you wish you had seen.
- Scandal premiere of Stravinsky's Våroffer. 1910s was a dramatic decade. And damn nice!
How much you will leave the tip in a restaurant?
- It depends on which country you are in. In the U.S. we often leave 20% tip, in Sweden you round up and in Germany and Japan, of course, leave no tip at all because this is regarded as an insult to staff. The last is of course the most sympathetic, simply for self-respect is a much more beautiful "than greed or small-mindedness.
Do you take clothesadvice from your girlfriend or your mom?
- I will be happy to have clothesadvice from my guy, but definitely not from my mom. Women do not understand men's clothing. They always try to sissy men too much. Gravitonas has only male stylists. And absolutely no hair care products.
Once and for all, who is the world's best-dressed man?
- Lenin was the world's best-dressed man, but unattainable by style icon. For the ordinary mortal men Malcolm McLaren will be deeply missed.
You find the interview here:
and here is the translation:
Called, at the seams: Alexander Bard
The man with the moustache has BWO on the famous ice and launches his latest musical project today. Before that, he took time, however, to be called from the outside in, and deliver the wisdom - and oneliners! - On a long, long list.
What are you doing right now?
- Mixes Gravitonas debut album coming out this fall.
Describe your fashion style in three words.
- Ingenious, obstinate and uncompromising.
What is your biggest fashion madness?
- The large and small heads is man's most important body parts. So, never fribble on the hats and shorts!
When you most ashamed of your vanity?
- Never. Narcissism is a necessity for success both as a musician and writer and shame are not at all my thing.
Where is your favorite clothes?
- Tokyo, by far - the city is best for any type of shopping.
Which shop you can not put your foot in?
- Chain stores and other shops with a trademark, where every store is identical to the next. If I do not want to look like anyone, why should I go shopping in a store that is completely impersonal?
What are you most pleased with about your appearance?
- The character. You can set me among a hundred faces and I'm still the one you remember. Do not forget that beauty is not very important in itself - respect is both more important and more sexually viable.
If you were a garment, which would you be?
- Pants. And now that everyone else has bought shorts with long socks (Dries van Noten 2010, hello?) I skip the shorts of course. It is time for men to wear black and Japanese again - surf clothing is stone dead.
What is your favorite accessory?
- Wallet.
When did you last feel wrong dressed ?
- I dress intentionally wrong every day. The vagabondlook is excellent in everyday life, because it is so aggressive that it keeps unwanted people away and is also sexy inviting. Who does not want to sleep with a guy who walks into the 7Eleven in underwear and fucktousle ?
Which fashion express rip you most?
- Quality is never out of fashion.
Name a movie that changed your life.
Visually? Mishima, of course - Japanese style orgy of Westerners. David Lynch's films are also very right again 2010.
What is the best book you've read?
- Friedrich Nietzsche's Den glada vetenskapen. Nietzsche was not only the smartest motherfucker who survived - just like all smart men, he was also a style icon.
Name a concert that you wish you had seen.
- Scandal premiere of Stravinsky's Våroffer. 1910s was a dramatic decade. And damn nice!
How much you will leave the tip in a restaurant?
- It depends on which country you are in. In the U.S. we often leave 20% tip, in Sweden you round up and in Germany and Japan, of course, leave no tip at all because this is regarded as an insult to staff. The last is of course the most sympathetic, simply for self-respect is a much more beautiful "than greed or small-mindedness.
Do you take clothesadvice from your girlfriend or your mom?
- I will be happy to have clothesadvice from my guy, but definitely not from my mom. Women do not understand men's clothing. They always try to sissy men too much. Gravitonas has only male stylists. And absolutely no hair care products.
Once and for all, who is the world's best-dressed man?
- Lenin was the world's best-dressed man, but unattainable by style icon. For the ordinary mortal men Malcolm McLaren will be deeply missed.
Gravitonas at TV4 !
At 5PM(17.00) you can watch Gravitonas in Förkväll at TV4.
We'll see if we can upload this later and also with translations in English.
We'll see if we can upload this later and also with translations in English.
Gravitonas is here.......
Yes, finally we have gotten to both see and hear Alexander's new project Gravitonas.
"Kites" the first single is released as video today at Aftonbladet and you can also buy the single and all remixes on I-tunes.
Together with Andreas Öhrn, Alexander has created something different and something new. The last years the music business in the world has to a lot been the same, often when you hear something, then you hear a tune of something else. To tell the truth that is very boring.
"Kites" involves a test of something new. That is what I like with Alexander, he follows his talent in music and is always up to date doing something that not is heard before. That is my impression. I love the use of the guitars.
"Kites" is made in a way that you don't know for sure what is coming as next part. A good example is the strong part at 2.20.
Now time to go through all remixes !
And here you find the video...
"Kites" the first single is released as video today at Aftonbladet and you can also buy the single and all remixes on I-tunes.
Together with Andreas Öhrn, Alexander has created something different and something new. The last years the music business in the world has to a lot been the same, often when you hear something, then you hear a tune of something else. To tell the truth that is very boring.
"Kites" involves a test of something new. That is what I like with Alexander, he follows his talent in music and is always up to date doing something that not is heard before. That is my impression. I love the use of the guitars.
"Kites" is made in a way that you don't know for sure what is coming as next part. A good example is the strong part at 2.20.
Now time to go through all remixes !
And here you find the video...
The future of BWO
There was an article today in Aftonbladet about BWO...here a translation is for you who don't use Swedish as your language.Maybe this also gives you a bit more BWO hope for the future !
Here is the article:
And here the translation:
BWO goes separate ways now.
They split up indefinately-to pursue on their solocareers.
Martin Rolinski and Alexander Bard goes separate ways.
BWO is now put on ice for indefinite time.
Faced with the singer Martin Rolinski, 27, last year became the father explained that the pop band BWO taking a break.
Many Swedish media reported that the band would come back with a new album already in 2010.
But that is not the facts.
The musician, Alexander Bard, 49 and the singers Martin Rolinski and Marina Schiptjenko, 44 are now all in new projects.
And BWO´s future is completely on ice.
-We believe that freedom is everything in the world. If we want to make a new BWO-album in couple of year because we think its fun, then we will do that,
but nothing is decided, says Alexander Bard.
Release new albums
Bard himself is current with the group Gravitonas together with the singer Andreas Öhrn and songwriter that release their first single next week.
Marina Schiptjenko has taken up her membership in the band Page, that releases an album in springtime and one the side she is managing the Andréhn-Schiptjenko gallery.
At the same time Martin Rolinski is sketching on a soloalbum.
-I have just started to work at it. I have been in the studio and started writing. The plan is to release it next spring, he says.
"Will not have an input"
BWO has been together as a band for 7 years, released 6 albums and competed in Melodifestivalen 4 times.
Both Martin Rolinski and Alexander Bard underline that there is no friction between them that makes them go separate ways.
-We call each other all the time and ask for general guiding, but we try to hold what we are working with quite separate. I don't want
to have to much of his input and he doesn't want to have to much of mine, says Martin Rolinski.
- I believe that we all have felt that it would be fun to get inspiration from elsewhere.
-Will you continue with BWO in the future ?
-Yes, that is absolutely the plan. We are not done. This is just a healthy break for the band where we can do other things that is fun.
Here is the article:
And here the translation:
BWO goes separate ways now.
They split up indefinately-to pursue on their solocareers.
Martin Rolinski and Alexander Bard goes separate ways.
BWO is now put on ice for indefinite time.
Faced with the singer Martin Rolinski, 27, last year became the father explained that the pop band BWO taking a break.
Many Swedish media reported that the band would come back with a new album already in 2010.
But that is not the facts.
The musician, Alexander Bard, 49 and the singers Martin Rolinski and Marina Schiptjenko, 44 are now all in new projects.
And BWO´s future is completely on ice.
-We believe that freedom is everything in the world. If we want to make a new BWO-album in couple of year because we think its fun, then we will do that,
but nothing is decided, says Alexander Bard.
Release new albums
Bard himself is current with the group Gravitonas together with the singer Andreas Öhrn and songwriter that release their first single next week.
Marina Schiptjenko has taken up her membership in the band Page, that releases an album in springtime and one the side she is managing the Andréhn-Schiptjenko gallery.
At the same time Martin Rolinski is sketching on a soloalbum.
-I have just started to work at it. I have been in the studio and started writing. The plan is to release it next spring, he says.
"Will not have an input"
BWO has been together as a band for 7 years, released 6 albums and competed in Melodifestivalen 4 times.
Both Martin Rolinski and Alexander Bard underline that there is no friction between them that makes them go separate ways.
-We call each other all the time and ask for general guiding, but we try to hold what we are working with quite separate. I don't want
to have to much of his input and he doesn't want to have to much of mine, says Martin Rolinski.
- I believe that we all have felt that it would be fun to get inspiration from elsewhere.
-Will you continue with BWO in the future ?
-Yes, that is absolutely the plan. We are not done. This is just a healthy break for the band where we can do other things that is fun.
6 years.......
Six years ago, 2nd of April 2004, 3 people performed on stage first time officially together. Have a guess who that can be ?
Yes, of course Alexander, Marina and Martin !
At SAMA (Swedish Alternative Music Awards) in Gothenburg we could see them live.
Wish I had been there....... .
More history with BWO will come up here in the blogg now and then.
I really want you all to get involved in this..so if you have something to tell about BWO, when you have seen them, heard them or anything to share around BWO WRITE ME ! You can also send in photos. Stories, poems, photos or whatever you have may be published here. The adress is nettan@bwo-world.com
Hope you all enjoy a fantastic spring...finally all snow is almost gone here...just gravel everywhere !
Yes, of course Alexander, Marina and Martin !
At SAMA (Swedish Alternative Music Awards) in Gothenburg we could see them live.
Wish I had been there....... .
More history with BWO will come up here in the blogg now and then.
I really want you all to get involved in this..so if you have something to tell about BWO, when you have seen them, heard them or anything to share around BWO WRITE ME ! You can also send in photos. Stories, poems, photos or whatever you have may be published here. The adress is nettan@bwo-world.com
Hope you all enjoy a fantastic spring...finally all snow is almost gone here...just gravel everywhere !
Alexander is having his day
...and I thought I would celebrate him with a photo. I hope you have a good day like all days ! Sorry that Santa still is with you... .
A year ago..at Second chance
Exactly one year ago we sat there in Himmelstalundshallen and waited for the Second chance. The duel between BWO and Lili & Susie was the hardest and we knew all would be very very close.
On Friday eve at general rehearsal I took this photo, it's not clear and not good, but it shows a bit of the fake drama that Martin and Alexander did when it stood clear that they won the fake voting at the general rehearsal.
I love when you can get moments like this one on a photo.
Tonight this years Second chance is in Örebro. Still those hated duels are in the Second chance. Tonight my vote will go to Alcazar and Headlines. I hope that you will vote for them too. Let's see if there will be a debate once again about the duels. I hope so, because I think this isn't a fair way to compete.
Welcome to BWOrld...the new fresh site

Yes, from now 1st of March the new site is open and the new webadress is:
We hope you will like it ! WELCOME !
Melodifestivalen flashback
I am sitting here right now looking at Melodifestivalen the 4th partcompetition for 2010. I don't know if my ears hear wrong, but one highlight here and there is all that I can find in this years Melodifestivalen. Today there even is a song called Idiot....sigh. So I thought I would put up some unpublished photos from Melodifestivalen 2009 in Leksand.......... .
An interview with Mr Bard
Promotion Lift US made recently an interview with Alexander. Here you find the interview:
Woohoo....US here we come....

Do we have to say more ? I would like to wish our dear friends Alexander, Marina and Martin all the best.
Here is more about the start of the release of RHRN in USA:
Promotion for US 2010

Yes, BWO is now heading for the big country out in west - USA !
RHRN will be released in 3 new remixes made by Ralphi Rosario.
And you can check them out Right Here Right Now....just follow the instructions.
Go to the site (the link here) and then > "PROJECTS" (right above) > click on the BWO "RHRN"-Cover and > AUDIO! - Enjoy!
All is promoted by "Promotion-US".
You can also join and follow everything in a Facebookgroup:
If you want to hear more from Ralphi Rosario or know more about him you can visit these sites:
BWO Fanclub is meeting 2010 !
BWO Fanclub is changing name and relaunch the website. We are getting ready for a new year and a new fresh site and a totally new name. Curious ??
At bwo-fanclub.com you can follow the countdown.
You will like this !
At bwo-fanclub.com you can follow the countdown.
You will like this !
Scandipop loves RHRN !

Maybe you remember that Scandipop had his own nominations before Christmas, The 2010 Scandipop Awards and BWO was mentioned in several ones and they also took one:
Best Group/Duo Single
Alcazar - Burning
Alcazar – Stay The Night
BWO – Right Here Right Now (UK Edit)
Lili & Susie – Show Me Heaven
Linda Bengtzing & Kim Lian – Not That Kinda Girl
Royksopp – The Girl & The Robot
RHRN(UK Edit) is the version together with Velvet.
My BWO year 2009
So all BWO fans out in the world. A whole year has passed by, a year of BWO everywhere and anywhere. A very special year with music with a more new sound, a spectacular show in Melodifestivalen and of course including shorts (yes Alexander what would we think if you didn't wear that).
I hope you all have enjoyed your BWO year. I have had a fabolous year and I want to share that here with you all by telling some of my bloopers and some of the highlights during this year. The highlights are many more then the bloopers, phew lucky me !
BWO has taken me to many places this year and I have been on many trainrides through the country.
I went to Leksand, my hometown Norrköping, Stockholm several times, Eskilstuna, Motala, Örebro, Härnösand och Göteborg(Gothenburg). Could have been more places, but sometimes life around me is calling HELP ! Then I need to squeeze that in.
Leksand was the snow-white mysterious little place in Dalarna that went pink when Melodifestivalen arrived. My mainconcern in Leksand was how to get around in a wheelchair.
I learnt that there is something called cab and also great to have rescue people with you that can do first aid on the wheelchairs wheels when they get stucked cause of ice.
I had 2 girls from Sundsvall that was my first aid kit. Annelie and Ann-Sofie did first aid several times on my wheels by blowing hot air on them.
Another sight I can't forget is when Alexander, Marina and Martin together with Annelie, Ann-Sofie and me had a meeting outside the arena in Leksand in Ann-Sofie's little Jetta. Warm and cozy. The hysterical girl fans outside the arena most have wondered....... .
And so I won't forget the highlight, the magic...You're Not Alone on stage. I even have the original sound from Leksand in my mp-3 player.
To not forget the biggest blooper...when we made a big streamer and used spraycolors in a tiny room with bad ventilation. Yes we were high after !
To Norrköping I welcomed BWO to Second chance. And of course Annelie and Ann-Sofie joined me. Now we were even more prepared and the biggest highlight for the girls was to go by tram through my city.
Norrköping was cold....I wore shorts. As we all 3 were dressed in t-shirts with BWO's name on and of course I cheered for Alexander, then what was more important then to wear shorts and the double ties not to forget.
Madness was when BWO wasn't voted to the Final.....but we got to hear "Snälla, Snälla"...and that made me ripp my hair off ! Well almost...... .
In March during the Final of Melodifestivalen BWO Fanclub Worldwide had an official meeting in Stockholm. We were people from 4 different countries meeting up. Hey BWO you have made our world smaller...thanks for that !
The biggest blooper was when we were going to see Alcazar in Upplands Väsby and we got on wrong train. We got on a SJ train and hadn't paid tickets. So when the girl came noone of use were from Sweden...... .
We also had a lovely dinner at Göken with BWO, a cool little restaurant you need to visit if you come to Stockholm.
To Eskilstuna I went for the first official gig from BWO with RixFm in beginning of June. Guess if I melted though it was cold.
Another highlight when I was there was the visit from the King and the Queen of Sweden.
When I was on my way from hotel to the train in a corner there was suddenly policemotorbikes that stopped the traffic and so they came in a bus waveing to everyone. I also saw them later at a square in middle of city.
In middle of Summer I went to Motala to see the first fully concert of BWO. Motala appeared with great weather except when BWO should be on stage. The rain poured down right before.
The morning after my shoes were dead...I forgot to take them out of the bag.
So I had to go barefoot downtown the next day to buy a new pair....lucky me being a wheelchair girl !
A big highlight was to hear Love Came Crashing Down and when Alexander had done his part in Kings Of Tomorrow in discoversion, the stage was almost lifting !
OK, it didn't lift....but the feeling...... .
In middle of July I went to Örebro for their gig with Mix Megapol. To go to Norrköping from Örebro sometimes mean that you have to change train 2 times. So I had to this time and my train from Katrineholm to Hallsberg was late so I and another passenger was showed to another train in Hallsberg. And on we went. When we showed our tickets we got a smiling face towards us. We had gotten on right train but in wrong way. So we had to go to Motala and be there for an hour before the train could go back ! But it was a fantastic day, so off we went to the harbour for an icecream. I guess that was some purpose with that as I had been just some weeks before in Motala so I knew the way.
I could go on for hours and write about my BWO year, about Big Science, about my passion for the music...and all what has been happening during 2009...but I stop here.
I wanna thank you all for reading this blogg. I hope you enjoy it. Do never hesitate to tell me if you miss something or if there are things you don't like. You can always mail me at nettan@bwo-fanclub.com.
I also want to thank Thomas Schmidt for giving me the opportunity.
But biggest thanks goes to Alexander, Marina and Martin.
You have made a big difference in my life and I can't tell you that enough of times.
I am now looking forward to a new year of music. We won't see much of BWO on stage, but they will be there somehow with their music, I know that for sure.
So roll on 2010 with a big smile............. .
Many hugs Nettan
I hope you all have enjoyed your BWO year. I have had a fabolous year and I want to share that here with you all by telling some of my bloopers and some of the highlights during this year. The highlights are many more then the bloopers, phew lucky me !
BWO has taken me to many places this year and I have been on many trainrides through the country.
I went to Leksand, my hometown Norrköping, Stockholm several times, Eskilstuna, Motala, Örebro, Härnösand och Göteborg(Gothenburg). Could have been more places, but sometimes life around me is calling HELP ! Then I need to squeeze that in.
Leksand was the snow-white mysterious little place in Dalarna that went pink when Melodifestivalen arrived. My mainconcern in Leksand was how to get around in a wheelchair.
I learnt that there is something called cab and also great to have rescue people with you that can do first aid on the wheelchairs wheels when they get stucked cause of ice.
I had 2 girls from Sundsvall that was my first aid kit. Annelie and Ann-Sofie did first aid several times on my wheels by blowing hot air on them.
Another sight I can't forget is when Alexander, Marina and Martin together with Annelie, Ann-Sofie and me had a meeting outside the arena in Leksand in Ann-Sofie's little Jetta. Warm and cozy. The hysterical girl fans outside the arena most have wondered....... .
And so I won't forget the highlight, the magic...You're Not Alone on stage. I even have the original sound from Leksand in my mp-3 player.
To not forget the biggest blooper...when we made a big streamer and used spraycolors in a tiny room with bad ventilation. Yes we were high after !
To Norrköping I welcomed BWO to Second chance. And of course Annelie and Ann-Sofie joined me. Now we were even more prepared and the biggest highlight for the girls was to go by tram through my city.
Norrköping was cold....I wore shorts. As we all 3 were dressed in t-shirts with BWO's name on and of course I cheered for Alexander, then what was more important then to wear shorts and the double ties not to forget.
Madness was when BWO wasn't voted to the Final.....but we got to hear "Snälla, Snälla"...and that made me ripp my hair off ! Well almost...... .
In March during the Final of Melodifestivalen BWO Fanclub Worldwide had an official meeting in Stockholm. We were people from 4 different countries meeting up. Hey BWO you have made our world smaller...thanks for that !
The biggest blooper was when we were going to see Alcazar in Upplands Väsby and we got on wrong train. We got on a SJ train and hadn't paid tickets. So when the girl came noone of use were from Sweden...... .
We also had a lovely dinner at Göken with BWO, a cool little restaurant you need to visit if you come to Stockholm.
To Eskilstuna I went for the first official gig from BWO with RixFm in beginning of June. Guess if I melted though it was cold.
Another highlight when I was there was the visit from the King and the Queen of Sweden.
When I was on my way from hotel to the train in a corner there was suddenly policemotorbikes that stopped the traffic and so they came in a bus waveing to everyone. I also saw them later at a square in middle of city.
In middle of Summer I went to Motala to see the first fully concert of BWO. Motala appeared with great weather except when BWO should be on stage. The rain poured down right before.
The morning after my shoes were dead...I forgot to take them out of the bag.
So I had to go barefoot downtown the next day to buy a new pair....lucky me being a wheelchair girl !
A big highlight was to hear Love Came Crashing Down and when Alexander had done his part in Kings Of Tomorrow in discoversion, the stage was almost lifting !
OK, it didn't lift....but the feeling...... .
In middle of July I went to Örebro for their gig with Mix Megapol. To go to Norrköping from Örebro sometimes mean that you have to change train 2 times. So I had to this time and my train from Katrineholm to Hallsberg was late so I and another passenger was showed to another train in Hallsberg. And on we went. When we showed our tickets we got a smiling face towards us. We had gotten on right train but in wrong way. So we had to go to Motala and be there for an hour before the train could go back ! But it was a fantastic day, so off we went to the harbour for an icecream. I guess that was some purpose with that as I had been just some weeks before in Motala so I knew the way.
I could go on for hours and write about my BWO year, about Big Science, about my passion for the music...and all what has been happening during 2009...but I stop here.
I wanna thank you all for reading this blogg. I hope you enjoy it. Do never hesitate to tell me if you miss something or if there are things you don't like. You can always mail me at nettan@bwo-fanclub.com.
I also want to thank Thomas Schmidt for giving me the opportunity.
But biggest thanks goes to Alexander, Marina and Martin.
You have made a big difference in my life and I can't tell you that enough of times.
I am now looking forward to a new year of music. We won't see much of BWO on stage, but they will be there somehow with their music, I know that for sure.
So roll on 2010 with a big smile............. .
Many hugs Nettan
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