
Interview with Page at TV4 Nyhetsmorgon translated

Here is the link to the interview:


and here you have an English translation:

-We get fine company in the kitchen.
-Hi and welcome !
-Welcome here Page. Marina and Eddie. How lovely to see you like this together again.
-New cd and reunion. How does that feel ?
Marina: It's really really fun. It feels like to going back to the roots I think.
-Synthduo or synthband ?
Marina: Popband is more suitable even if we are electronic.
- It was like when I tolaked with Eddie before that Page will be here...many just take a breathe and say so they are back. It's an incredible cult.
Eddie: You can say that we are a cultband.
Marina: We have been away for a while.
-How long have you been away ?
Marina: We started around 1980 and then we moved on in the 80ies and beginning of 90ies
with a lot of old stuff. But it feels a bit like time has caught us.
Eddie: So this year we celebrate 30 years as a band and 10 years since we stopped.
-So you haven't played...
Eddie. Not for 10 years.
-But why made you decide now we are going to do it again...now we make a new record again.
Marina: BWO takes, that I also play with...we have a sabbatical year for undecided time. And Eddie and I have had contact all the time. It only felt that this was the right time to do this.
We are so proud of Page. And so we also said that we don't want to release any old material.
I called Eddie and we wrote some songs together.
Eddie: It became so
Marina: Yes
Eddie: And if we ever should do this it was right now. Next year it is too late.
-Are we going to recognize the synthmusic and so on ?
Marina: You will recognize Page. But I don't think we sound like typical synthpop. We usually say that we play electronic pop.
-How has that one been developed, when you think that everyone can sit with their laptop and think they are Max Martin nowadays ?
Eddie: Before it was a very small changer. But now is everything almost electronic.
Marina: I mean time has caught us. In the beginning when we played it was very exotic with the instrument synth. But now anyone have that. But we stick to a very simple formula.
The primary formula still. Basic

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